Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 77
Transient aspects of the Hadley circulation forced by an idealized off‐equatorial ITCZ
This paper presents analytical solutions of large‐scale, zonally symmetric overturning circulations in the tropical free troposphere forced by transient diabatic heating in the off‐equatorial intertropical convergence zone ...
Low-frequency variability and trends in centennial precipitation stations in southern South America
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017-03)
Southern South America (SSA), considered as the continental region south of 20°S, has experienced significant precipitation variability and trends in the last decades. This article uses monthly quality-controlled precipitation ...
Balanced dynamics of deep and shallow Hadley circulations in the tropics
(Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 6(3): 777-804, 2014-05-06)
This paper examines the dynamics of large-scale overturning circulations in the tropical atmosphere using an idealized zonally symmetric model on the equatorial b-plane. Under certain simplifications of its coefficients, ...
Balanced dynamics of deep and shallow Hadley circulations in the tropics
(Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 6(3): 777-804, 2014-05-06)
This paper examines the dynamics of large-scale overturning circulations in the tropical atmosphere using an idealized zonally symmetric model on the equatorial b-plane. Under certain simplifications of its coefficients, ...
Climatic and volcanic forcing of tropical belt northern boundary over the past 800 years
(Nature Publishing Group, 2018-12)
The position of the northern boundary of the tropical belt affects the hydroclimate of many arid and semi-arid regions in the Northern Hemisphere. Widening of the tropical belt since the 1970s has largely been attributed ...
Evolution of the tropical response to periodic extratropical thermal forcing
(American Meteorological SocietyPE, 2021-08)
This study examines the temporal evolution of the extratropically forced tropical response in an idealized aquaplanet model under equinox condition. We apply a surface thermal forcing in the northern extratropics that ...
Transporte de masa, momento angular y energia por la circulación meridional media durante la fase III del gate.
(Revista Ciencia y Tecnología, 7 (1): 153-182, 1983, 1983)
Se estudian en este trabajo los transportes de masa, momento angular, energía potencial y cinética y los flujos de calor sensible y latente por la circulación meridional media para diferentes sectores de la escala A durante ...
Transporte de masa, momento angular y energia por la circulación meridional media durante la fase III del gate.
(Revista Ciencia y Tecnología, 7 (1): 153-182, 1983, 1983)
Se estudian en este trabajo los transportes de masa, momento angular, energía potencial y cinética y los flujos de calor sensible y latente por la circulación meridional media para diferentes sectores de la escala A durante ...
Radar observations of the development of tropical thunderstorms and convection cells using the Arecibo radar
In the period from 13 Sept to 20 Sept 1979, the 430 MHz radar system at the Arecibo Observatory was used to study profiles of vertical velocity in developing and mature thunderstorms during the afternoon hours. During the ...
A correlated shortening of the North and South American monsoon seasons in the past few decades
(Springer, 2015)
Our observational analysis shows that the wet seasons of the American monsoon systems have shortened since 1978 due to correlated earlier retreats of the North American monsoon (NAM) and late onsets of the southern Amazon ...