Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 709
Effects on the thermoregulatory efficiency of two native lizards as a consequence of the habitat modification by the introduction of the exotic tree Acacia longifolia
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2013-01)
Habitat modification alters several aspects of the original fauna, among them the opportunity for thermoregulation. Here, we studied the thermal biology of sympatric populations of two lizard species (Liolaemus multimaculatus ...
Influence of complexity and habitat heterogeneity on macrofaunal assemblages provided by an invasive ecosystem engineer in Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-11)
Invasive ecosystem engineers change habitat attributes and species abundance, affecting the structure of invaded communities. In the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37° 40′S, 57° 23°W), the invasive reef-building polychaete ...
Home range size and habitat selection of Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus geoffroyi, Felidae, Carnivora) in the pampas grassland
(De Gruyter, 2012-02)
This study examined the spatial ecology of Geoffroy's cats, Leopardus geoffroyi, living in a protected area surrounded by croplands in the Argentine grasslands. A total of six different adults were marked with 14 radio-collars ...
Innate host habitat preference in the parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata: Functional significance and modifications through learning
(Public Library of Science, 2016-03)
Parasitoids searching for polyphagous herbivores can find their hosts in a variety of habitats. Under this scenario, chemical cues from the host habitat (not related to the host) represent poor indicators of host location. ...
Polyculture of all-male tilapia hybrids with low densities of Macrobrachium rosenbergiiPolicultivo de híbridos machos de tilapia a bajas densidades de Macrobrachium rosenbergii
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987)
Morphological adaptations to arboreal habitats and heart position in species of the neotropical whipsnakes genus Chironius
The evolution of arboreality in snakes is accompanied by modifications that are remarkably similar across species. Gravity is one of the most important selective agents, and arboreal snakes present adaptations to circumvent ...
Morphological adaptations to arboreal habitats and heart position in species of the neotropical whipsnakes genus Chironius
The evolution of arboreality in snakes is accompanied by modifications that are remarkably similar across species. Gravity is one of the most important selective agents, and arboreal snakes present adaptations to circumvent ...
Innate Host Habitat Preference in the Parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata: Functional Significance and Modifications through Learning
Parasitoids searching for polyphagous herbivores can find their hosts in a variety of habitats.
Under this scenario, chemical cues from the host habitat (not related to the host) represent
poor indicators of host location. ...
Reproductive consequences of flower damage in two contrasting habitats: The case of Viola portalesia (Violaceae) in Chile
(Sociedad de Biologia de Chile, 2012)
The indirect impact of flower herbivory on plant reproduction depends on the pollination environment, particularly on the presence or absence of pollinator species with the ability to discriminate damaged from undamaged ...