Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Introducing Coastal Deserts
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-01)
Arising out of a session held at the Fourth Southern Deserts Conference in Mendoza, Argentina, in November 2014, this special issue of the Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology explores how people have dealt with these ...
La transición de cazadores-recolectores a sociedades agropastoriles en Antofagasta de la Sierra (Puna de Catamarca, Argentina): Perspectivas desde la agencia y las prácticasThe transition from hunter-gatherers to agro-pastoralist societies in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Argentinean Puna, Argentina): Perspectives from agency and practices
(Universidad de Tarapacá. Departamento de Antropología, 2018-03)
Desarrollamos el contenido y alcances de la noción de transición a la producción de alimentos(TPA) y su aplicación al tránsito de cazadores-recolectores a sociedadesagropastoriles en Antofagasta de la Sierra, Puna meridional ...
Characterization of pottery fabrics from Cueva de Cristobal (Puna of Jujuy)
(British Archaeological Series, 2016)
The results presented here occurred within the framework of research on the transition from hunter-gatherer to agro-pastoralist communities in the Argentine Puna which spawned a need to understand the social processes that ...
Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015)
Sociedades prehispánicas de la Puna argentina: desde el poblamiento temprano hasta los inicios de la producción pastoril y agrícolaPrehispanic societies of the Argentine Puna: from the early settlement to the beginnings of pastoralist and agricultural production
(Fundación Miguel Lillo, 2019)
El noroeste de Argentina ha sido históricamente una de las áreas másintensamente investigadas desde el punto de vista de la arqueología prehispánica de nuestro país, contando con trabajos científicos en este campo desde ...
Mid-Holocene human occupations in Tucumán (Northwest Argentina)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2013-09)
This paper presents the results of recent archaeological research carried out in Quebrada de Los Corrales, a high altitude ravine in the west-central region of Tucumán province, in northwest of Argentina. Most of the ...
Multi-proxy analyses of a mid-15th century Middle Iron Age Bantu-speaker palaeo-faecal specimen elucidates the configuration of the ‘ancestral’ sub-Saharan African intestinal microbiome.
The archaeological incidence of ancient human faecal material provides a rare opportunity to explore the taxonomic composition and metabolic capacity of ...
Instrumental nuclear activation analysis of archaeological pottery, from Mendoza, Central Western Argentina
(University of New Mexico, 2019)
El trabajo presenta los resultados de activación neutrónica realizados sobre fragmentos cerámicos de diez sitios arqueológicos del centro y sur de la provincia de Mendoza. A través de estos análisis se conformaron seis ...
Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015)