Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2507
Quiet-condition variations in the scale height at F2-layer peak at Jicamarca during solar minimum and maximum
(European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2008-01-02)
This study is the first attempt to examine the quiet-condition variations in scale height (Hm) near the F2-layer peak in the equatorial ionosphere. The data periods of Hm derived from the Jicamarca ionograms are January-December ...
Modeling the relationship between E × B vertical drift and the time rate of change of hmF2 (ΔhmF2/Δt) over the magnetic equator
(American Geophysical Union, 2008-03-13)
A middle and low latitude ionospheric model is used to model the relationship between E × B vertical drift velocity and time rate of change of hmF2 (ΔhmF2/Δt) over the magnetic equator. F107 (10.7 cm solar radiation flux) ...
Antipredator responses of aphids to parasitoids change as a function of aphid physiological state
(Elsevier Science Ltd., 2007)
Host plant and natural enemy impact on cereal aphid competition in a seasonal environment
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007)
A new island species of Scinax (Anura; Hylidae) from southeastern Brazil
(Soc Study Amphibians ReptilesSt LouisEUA, 2007)