Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 995
Interações planta-polinizador em vegetação de altitude na mata atlântica
Tropical high-altitude vegetation is unique due to susceptibility to severe weather conditions in relation to lower formations, and by the peculiarity of its flora with many relictual components. Studies on plant-pollinator ...
Galling Insects of the Brazilian Páramos: Species Richness and Composition Along High-Altitude Grasslands
In this work, we investigated the factors that determine the distribution of galling insects in high-altitude grasslands, locally called campos de altitude' of Mantiqueira Range and tested whether 1) richness of galling ...
Plant-pollinator Interactions In Highland Vegetation In The Atlantic ForestInterações Planta-polinizador Em Vegetação De Altitude Na Mata Atlântica
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2016)
Plant-pollinator Interactions In Highland Vegetation In The Atlantic Forest [interações Planta-polinizador Em Vegetação De Altitude Na Mata Atlântica]
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2016)
Persea pumila (Lauraceae), a New Species from the Brazilian Serra da Mantiqueira Mountain Range
(Amer Soc Plant Taxonomists, 2014-04-01)
Persea pumila, a new species of Lauraceae from a Brazilian high-altitude grassland is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to Parses subg. Eriodaphne. It is distinguished from other neotropical Persea species ...
A comunidade de Braconidae (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonoidea) em um gradiente altitudinal no Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, RJ: taxonomia, distribuição e diversidade
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais - PPGERNCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-06-15)
In Brazil, there are few studies on mountain ecosystems that aims the biodiversity
conservation, even with hymenoptera parasitoids, especially the family Braconidae, a group
ecologically important, because they represent ...
Forest communities in high Andean secondary forests (Azuay, Ecuador)Comunidades forestales en bosques secundarios alto-andinos (Azuay, Ecuador)
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2017)