Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 355
Effects of breed proportion and components of heterosis for semen traits in a composite cattle breed
The aim of this study was to estimate the non-additive genetic effects of the dominance component of heterosis as well as epistatic loss on semen traits in admixed Swiss Fleckvieh, a composite of Simmental (SI) and Red ...
Heterotic grouping & hybrid breeding in tropical maize
(CIMMYT, 2020)
Does low yield heterosis limit commercial hybrids in wheat?
(Academic Journalshttp://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1387380140_Sharma.pdf, 2014)
Estimation of breed composition, breed heterosis and epistatic loss for percent of live spermatozoa in admixed Swiss Fleckvieh bulls
The objective of this study was to estimate non-additive genetic effects of heterosis and epistatic loss on percent of live spermatozoa in admixed Swiss Fleckvieh bulls, a composite of Simmental and Holstein Friesian cattle. ...
Heterosis en Paspalum notatum tetraploide: evaluación de su ocurrencia, su predicción y técnicas de mejoramientoHeterosis in tetraploid Paspalum notatum: evaluation of its occurrence, its prediction and breeding techniques
Paspalum notatum Flüggé es uno de los principales componentes de los pastizales de América del Sur, además de ser cultivada alrededor del mundo como especie forrajera y césped. Actualmente la hibridación es la técnica de ...