Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 66
Airway humidification practices in Chilean intensive care units
Airway humidification practices in Chilean intensive care units Background: In patients with an artificial airway, inspired gases can be humidified and heated using a passive (heat and moisture exchange filter - HMEF), or ...
Manejo fisioterapéutico de humidificación en ventilación mecánica invasiva
Los sistemas de humidificación es uno de los tratamientos que más se usan en las afecciones respiratorias agudas, crónicas y descompensadas, la humidificación será individualizada en cada paciente logrando pasar de un ...
The Temperature and Humidity in a Low-Flow Anesthesia Workstation With and Without a Heat and Moisture Exchanger
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011-09-01)
BACKGROUND: The Drager Primus anesthesia workstation has a built-in hotplate to heat the patient's exhaled gas. The fresh gas flow is mixed with the heated exhaled gas as they pass through the soda lime canister. A heat ...
The Temperature and Humidity in a Low-Flow Anesthesia Workstation With and Without a Heat and Moisture Exchanger
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011-09-01)
BACKGROUND: The Drager Primus anesthesia workstation has a built-in hotplate to heat the patient's exhaled gas. The fresh gas flow is mixed with the heated exhaled gas as they pass through the soda lime canister. A heat ...
Análise de indicadores de manutenção dos umidificadores aquecidos do Hospital de Clínicas de Uberlândia da Universidade Federal de UberlândiaAnalysis of maintenance indicators of heated humidifiers at Clinical Hospital of Uberlândia, Federal University of Uberlândia
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Biomédica, 2019)
Water purification system using a heat pump
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2011)
Modelamiento y simulación de un sistema de recuperación de calor por medio de tubos de calor de baja temperatura
Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el resultado del desarrollo y experimentación de un sistema de recuperación de calor desechado en los aires húmedos que salen de un secador de frutas por medio de tubos de calor. El sistema ...
Evaluating humidity recovery efficiency of currently available heat and moisture exchangers: a respiratory system model study
(Faculdade de Medicina / USP, 2009)
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare the efficiency of humidification in available heat and moisture exchanger models under conditions of varying tidal volume, respiratory rate, and flow rate. INTRODUCTION: Inspired gases ...
The Humidity in a Drager Primus Anesthesia Workstation Using Low or High Fresh Gas Flow and With or Without a Heat and Moisture Exchanger in Pediatric Patients
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014-10-01)
BACKGROUND: An inhaled gas absolute humidity of 20 mg H2O.L-1 is the value most considered as the threshold necessary for preventing the deleterious effects of dry gas on the epithelium of the airways during anesthesia. ...