Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1794
Foraging strategies and foraging plasticity in harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex spp., Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the central Monte desert, Argentina
(Oesterreichische Gesell Entomofaunistik, 2015-09)
Foraging strategy determines the way harvester ants use space and therefore their access and impact on seed resources. In this study, we described the foraging strategy of three sympatric South American species of Pogonomyrmex ...
Stereotyped seed preferences of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex mendozanus in the central Monte desert
(Springer, 2019-03)
The harvester ant Pogonomyrmex mendozanus is endemic to the central Monte desert. In this region, extensive grazing reduces grass cover and seed abundance in the soil bank. In previous studies carried out in ungrazed areas, ...
Solitary foraging in the ancestral South American ant, Pogonomyrmex vermiculatus. Is it due to constraints in the production or perception of trail pheromones?
Several North American species of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants exhibit group foraging, whereas South American species are exclusively solitary foragers. The composition of the secretions of the poison and Dufour glands in ...
Fasting and chemical signals affect recruitment and foraging efficiency in the harvester ant, pogonomyrmex vermiculatus
Recuperación de valor con harvester aplicando tecnología de optimización de trozadoValue recovery with harvester applying bucking optimization technology
(Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais, 2019-06-01)
La optimización de trozado a bordo de harvesters es una tecnología que posibilita incrementar el valor de la madera cosechada. En este estudio se analizó el potencial de optimización del valor de los árboles cosechados y ...
The use of fruits and seeds by ants in the Atlantic forest of southeast Brazil
(Assoc Tropical Biology IncLawrenceEUA, 2000)
Interactions between fungus-growing ants (Attini), fruits and seeds in cerrado vegetation in southeast Brazil
(Assoc Tropical Biology IncLawrenceEUA, 1998)
Convergence and historical effects in harvester ant assemblages of Australia, North America, and South America
In this paper I examine the extent to which contemporary ecological patterns in 42 harvester ant assemblages of three continents can be explained as a result of present-day environments or from differences in the history ...