Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32813
Characterizing highly cited papers in Social Work through H-Classics
Highly cited papers are an important reference point in a research field. H-Classics is a new identification method of highly cited papers that is based on the H-index and is sensitive to the own characteristics of any ...
Ceramic papers containing Y zeolite for toluene removal
(Elsevier Science, 2011-11)
A papermaking technique with a dual polyelectrolyte retention system was used for the preparation of NaY zeolite-containing papers, which implied the use of cationic and anionic polymers. Two kinds of fibers were employed, ...
Natural pH indicators: Using paper or solution?
(Soc Brasileira QuimicaSao PauloBrasil, 2002)
Hygroexpansivity profiles on a commercial paper machine
Paper products show dimensional changes when subjected to moisture content modification. Hygroexpansivity was investigated in a commercial paper machine operating at 1256 m/min by a set of measurements on 75 g/m(2) ...
Relative h-index to compare the scientific performance of researchers
(Genetics and Molecular Research, 2017)
Remediation of Kraft effluent by ozonation: Effect of applied ozone concentration and initial pH
(Taylor & Francis IncPhiladelphiaEUA, 2004)
Underactuated manipulator robot control via H2, H∞, H2/H∞, and µ-synthesis approaches: a comparative study
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas - ABCM, 2009)
ABSTRACT This paper deals with robust control of underactuated manipulator robots. It presents a comparative study of four combined controllers H2, H∞ , H2/H∞ and µ-synthesis, pluscomputed torque method. These ...
Peer-selected "best Papers"-are They Really That "good"?
Catalytic ceramic paper for the combustion of diesel soot
(Elsevier Science, 2010-10)
This work analyzes the application of a ceramic paper to the diesel soot combustion reaction in air. The catalytic paper is made of ceramic fibers, cerium oxide and potassium nitrate. The synthesis of this material is easy ...
Sensitive luminescent paper-based sensor for the determination of gaseous hydrogen sulfide
(Royal Soc Chemistry, 2015-01-01)
H2S is an extremely malodorous, toxic and corrosive gas. These properties make the localized emission of hydrogen sulfide an air pollution issue. Despite there being a relatively large number of papers in literature dedicated ...