Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 77
Prevention and Control of Ravines and Gullies to Consolidate Green Economy Models
Spatial planning is essential to make the transition to a green economy. Among the various elements related to this theme, soil stands out for its social, environmental, and economic importance. For example, it is essential ...
El Chaco Oriental y sus fisonomías vegetalesThe Eastern Chaco and its vegetable physiognomies
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades, 2006-05-16)
Teniendo en cuenta sus características climáticas y ecológicas el Chaco puede dividirse, a grandes rasgos, en tres grandes ambientes o regiones naturales: el Chaco Oriental o Húmedo, el Chaco Central o de Transición y el ...
Erosão na microbacia do arroio Sarandi: voçoroca do Buraco Fundo, Santa Maria/RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRGeociênciasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografia e Geociências, 2009-12-17)
The microbasin of the Sarandi little stream, that it crosses the cities of Saint Maria and Dilermando de Aguiar, situated in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, south
region of Brazil, presents innumerable erosions; the most ...
Ravinas e voçorocas: Bioengenharia e retardantes químicos como tecnologia de controle e tratamentoRavines and gullies: Bioengineering and chemical retardants as control and treatment technology
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaCiência Florestal, 2023)
The identification of runoff flows in an area of technogenic relief using hydrological models in GIS
(Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - EDUFU, 2022-01-24)
This article presents the results of mapping the flow routes of surface runoff in an area characterized by profound changes in relief caused by anthropic interventions. We chose the Tucum stream upper basin (Sao Pedro, São ...
Relief morphometry and linear erosive dynamics in degraded rural area in West PaulistaMorfometria do relevo e dinâmica erosiva linear em área rural degradada no Oeste Paulista
In the southeastern region of Brazil, one of the main soil degradation factors is related to linear erosion, as a consequence of intense deforestation. Considering this problem, this article aimed to evaluate the spatial ...
Morfometria do relevo e dinâmica erosiva linear em Área Rural Degradada no Oeste Paulista
In the southeastern region of Brazil, one of the main soil degradation factors is related to linear erosion, as a consequence of intense deforestation. Considering this problem, this article aimed to evaluate the spatial ...
Relacionamento entre a mudança da rede de drenagem devido à construção de estruturas urbanas e o surgimento de voçorocas e ravinas no bairro do Jardim Botânico no Distrito FederalRelationship between the network drainage change due to the construction of urban structures and the development of gullies and ravines in the Jardim Botânico neighborhood in the Federal District
(União da Geomorfologia Brasileira, 2014)