Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 43
An alternative formulation for guided electromagnetic fields in grounded chiral slabs - Summary
An alternative formulation for guided electromagnetic fields in grounded chiral slabs is presented. This formulation is formally equivalent to the double Fourier transform method used by the authors to calculate the spectral ...
An alternative formulation for guided electromagnetic fields in grounded chiral slabs - Summary
An alternative formulation for guided electromagnetic fields in grounded chiral slabs is presented. This formulation is formally equivalent to the double Fourier transform method used by the authors to calculate the spectral ...
Superluminal X-shaped beams propagating without distortion along a coaxial guide
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2002)
Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formulation of paraxial optics and applications: Study of gauge symmetries and the optical spin Hall effect
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2011)
Theory of "frozen waves": modeling the shape of stationary wave fields
(Optical Soc AmerWashingtonEUA, 2005)
Algumas propriedades de ondas eletromagnéticas confinadas a guias de ondas constituídos por interfaces de isolantes topológicosSome properties of electromagnetic waves confined to wave guides made of topological insulators interfaces
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRFísica Teórica e Computacional; Preparação e Caracterização de Materiais; Sensores e Dispositivos.Mestrado em Física AplicadaUFV, 2015)
Parametric amplification of electromagnetic signals with superconducting transmission lines
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
Amplification is required to detect small microwave signals. One new promising technology to achieve large amplification with quantum-limited noise is the kinetic inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifier (KI-TWPA). ...