Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11512
Common factors regulating patterning of the nervous and vascular systems
(Annual Reviews, 2010)
The vascular and the nervous systems of vertebrates share many features with similar and often overlapping anatomy. The parallels between these two systems extend to the molecular level, where recent work has identified ...
Guidance we can trust? The status and quality of prehospital clinical guidance in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review
Introduction: Prehospital care is integral in addressing sub-Saharan Africa's (SSA) high injury and illness burden.
Consequently, robust, high-quality prehospital guidance documents are needed to inform care. These ...
Juventud, empleo y orientación profesional
Se analiza brevemente la trayectoria socio-profesional de la juventud desde los años sesenta hasta hoy, la incidencia de los factores académicos y económicos en el paro juvenil, sus actitudes e iniciativas hacia el trabajo ...
Theoretical revision of educational guidance modelsRevisión teórica de los modelos de orientación educativa
(Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU), 2018)
Guidance and counseling for catholic schools
(Revista Mensaje, 2018)