Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Dinâmica territorial do povo Galibi Kali’na de Oiapoque-AP
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilInstituto de Filosofia e Ciências HumanasUFPAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2023)
Does masting result in frugivore satiation? A test with Manilkara trees in French Guiana
Species showing mast seeding synchronously produce large amounts of fruits during some scattered years. This massive crop has been hypothesized to improve dispersal effectiveness by a satiation of seed predators, but the ...
Influence of South America orography on summertime precipitation in Southeastern South America. Climate Dynamics
(Springer, 2016-06)
Impacts of the main South American orographic structures (the Andes, the Brazilian Plateau and the Guiana shield) on the regional climate and associated global teleconnection are investigated through numerical experiments ...
Influence of South America orography on summertime precipitation in Southeastern South America
(Springer, 2016)
Impacts of the main South American orographic structures (the Andes, the Brazilian Plateau and the Guiana shield) on the regional climate and associated global teleconnection are investigated through numerical experiments ...
Integração e segurança na Amazônia transnacional
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política - PPGPol, 2014-03-26)
This study aims to understand the dynamics of integration and security in the transnational Amazon and its importance to South America and also it analyzes the role of Brazil as the largest amazon country in the binomial ...
Biogeography and conservation of Amazon palms
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICB – Instituto de Ciências BiológicasPrograma de Pós-graduação em EcologiaUFJF, 2018)
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias NaturalesSede BogotáBogotá, Colombia, 2009)
La familia Bignoniaceae contiene cerca de 120 géneros y 800 especies distribuidas principalmente en las regiones tropicales del mundo, con mayor concentración de especies en los bosques húmedos de tierras bajas. Las ...
Geoambientes: solos e áreas de mineração de ouro na região norte do SurinameGeoenvironments: soils and gold mining areas in the northern region of Suriname
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaSolos e Nutrição de Plantas, 2023)
Floristic Composition Of High-montane Vegetation In The District Of Monte Verde (camanducaia, Minas Gerais), Serra Da Mantiqueira Meridional, Southeast Brasil [composição Florística Da Vegetação Altimontana Do Distrito De Monte Verde (camanducaia, Mg), Serra Da Mantiqueira Meridional, Sudeste Do Brasil]
(Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro, 2014)