Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13879
Aging and metabolism: Changes and regulation [Envejecimiento y metabolismo: Cambios y regulación]
Studies about the effects of aging in the physiology and metabolism are increasingly, one of its objectives is to help implement programs to improve the quality of life and prevent disability in elderly. It is relevant to ...
Aging and metabolism: Changes and regulation [Envejecimiento y metabolismo: Cambios y regulación]
Studies about the effects of aging in the physiology and metabolism are increasingly, one of its objectives is to help implement programs to improve the quality of life and prevent disability in elderly. It is relevant to ...
A pilot study in patients with established advanced liver fibrosis using pirfenidone [4]
[No abstract available]
Reactivation of herpes zoster after electrocution [Reactivación de herpes zóster por electrocución]
[No abstract available]
Self-perception of oral health in the elderly
Self-perception of oral health in the elderly
A pilot study in patients with established advanced liver fibrosis using pirfenidone [4]
[No abstract available]
Myhre syndrome: First female case
A 15 year old girl with the Myhre type growth-mental retardation syndrome is described. This is the first female case reported in the literature. The inheritance pattern of this condition is not clear. © 2003 Lippincott ...
Guadalajara, Jal. / [Arnoldo Kaiser, editor]
(El fondo fotográfico perteneció a la Sociedad Científica Antonio Alzate del siglo XIX. Una de las partes se encuentra en la Biblioteca Rafael García Granados del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas y la otra se localiza en la biblioteca del Palacio de Minería., 2023)
Assessment of five thrombophilic gene polymorphisms in couples with habitual abortion [Evaluación de cinco polimorfismos de genes trombofZapotitlánlicos en parejas con aborto habitual]
An association between thrombophilic genes and obstetric conditions with early pregnancy termination has been previously proposed. In the present study we attempted to evaluate the possible association between thrombophilic ...