Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 719
A Portable Ground-Truth System Based on a Laser Sensor
(Springer-Verlag, 2012)
State estimation is of crucial importance to mobile robotics
since it determines in a great measure its ability to model the world from
noisy observations. In order to quantitatively evaluate state-estimation
methods, ...
Assertion and relative truth
(Springer, 2014-04)
An account of assertion along truth-relativistic lines is offered. The main lines of relativism about truth are laid out and the problematic features that assertion acquires in the presence of relative truth are identified. ...
Desenvolvimento de um método semiautomático para geração de ground truths de vídeos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)
Desenvolvimento de um método semiautomático para geração de ground truths de vídeos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
Socrates' Ground for Believing in Absolute Truth, Crito 46b4-49D5
(Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, 2006)
Desenvolvimento de um método semiautomático para geração de ground truths de vídeos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-08-13)
Several bilayer video segmentation algorithms, for the extraction of elements of interest in the foreground (usually people) in uncontrolled environments, have been proposed for various applications such as Augmented Reality ...
Semantic Cohesion for Image Annotation and Retrieval
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 16 No. 1, 2012-03-05)
Abstract. We present methods for image annotation
and retrieval based on semantic cohesion among terms.
On the one hand, we propose a region labeling
technique that assigns an image the label that
maximizes an estimate ...
Community detection in large-scale networks: a survey and empirical evaluation
(Wiley Online Library, 2016)
The ground trembling under our feet : truth, politics and solitude.
(Soft Power, 2019-07-01)
Fake news, Post-Truth son palabras que han entrado en el lenguaje ordinario de la política contemporánea para denotar -con ansiedad y preocupación- la ruptura definitiva de la relación entre verdad y política. Una relación ...