Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 461
Goats reinfected with Toxoplasma gondii: Loss of viable prolificacy and gross revenue
We determined the reproductive parameters and clinical disorders in pregnant goats infected and reinfected with Toxoplasma gondii, and posteriorly the loss of gross revenue due to congenital toxoplasmosis was estimated. ...
Response of broilers to dietary balanced protein. 2. Determining the optimum economic level of protein
Context: Tables of nutrient requirements assist nutritionists to formulate acceptable feeds for broilers but do not consider the objective of a business, namely, to maximise economic returns. Aims: The objective of the ...
Avaliação econômica da alimentação de tilápias em tanques-rede com níveis de proteína e energia digestíveis
We evaluated the economic responses of Nile tilapia in the final stage (450 to 800 g) fed diets containing five levels of digestible protein (DP): 20, 23, 26, 29 and 32% and two digestible energy levels (DE): 3,000 and ...
Determinação da receita bruta gerada na cultura do café arábica em algumas das cidades polos do Brasil
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em AdministraçãoCiências Sociais AplicadasUFU, 2016)
Economic evaluation of cleaning and disinfection of facilities from broiler chickens challenged with Campylobacter jejuni
For a new management practice to be adopted in broiler production, it must be efficient and economically viable. Few studies have been conducted with the purpose of evaluating costs and revenues relative to cleaning and ...
The impact of Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae (Golvan, 1956) (Eoacanthocephala: Neochinorhynchidae) outbreaks on productive and economic performance of the tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818), reared in ponds
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017)
BanKs versus Credit Cooperatives: An analysis of the effiCienCy ratios and revenues from serviCe provision between 2002 and 2012bancos versus cooperativas de crédito: um estudo dos índices de eficiência e receita da prestação de serviços entre 2002 e 2012
The objective in this descriptive study is to analyze the efficiency ratio and evolution in the revenues from credit cooperatives’ service provision in comparison with private and public banking institutions. According to ...
Economic viability of doses and split-applications of nitrogen fertilization in corn crop in a eutrophic Red Latosol
Nitrogen is the nutrient that is most absorbed by the corn crop, with the most complex management, and has the highest share on the cost of corn production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the economic viability ...
Os aspectos relevantes a partir da edição da Lei Complementar nº 123/2006 que prevê a nova sistemática do Simples
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2007-08-14)
The section of the small business and small company are considered important for his capacity to generate jobs and to contribute in the dynamics of the economy of the country. In the last months, the interest in studying ...