Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1612
The species of Paspalum L (Poaceae), groups Virgata and Quadrifaria, in Brazil - Distribution and ecology
(Inst Tecnologia Parana, 2014)
The species of Paspalum L (Poaceae), groups Virgata and Quadrifaria, in Brazil - Distribution and ecology
(Inst Tecnologia Parana, 1996-01-01)
The Brazilian species of Paspalum L. (Poaceae) groups Virgata and Quadrifaria are revised based on herbarium material and live specimens of recent collections. The Virgata taxa are P. wettsteinii, P. rufum, P. regnellii, ...
The species of Paspalum L (Poaceae), groups Virgata and Quadrifaria, in Brazil - Distribution and ecology
(Inst Tecnologia Parana, 1996-01-01)
The Brazilian species of Paspalum L. (Poaceae) groups Virgata and Quadrifaria are revised based on herbarium material and live specimens of recent collections. The Virgata taxa are P. wettsteinii, P. rufum, P. regnellii, ...
As espécies de Paspalum L. (Poaceae) dos grupos Virgata e Quadrifaria no Brasil - Distribuição e ecologia
The Brazilian species of Paspalum L. (Poaceae) groups Virgata and Quadrifaria are revised based on herbarium material and live specimens of recent collections. The Virgata taxa are P. wettsteinii, P. rufum, P. regnellii, ...
Sudan grass: a promising fodder crop for central Kazakhstan
(CIMMYT, 2012)
Germination sensitivities to water potential among co-existing C3 and C4 grasses of cool semi-arid prairie grasslands
(Wiley, 2015-03)
An untested theory states that C4 grass seeds could germinate under lower water potentials (Ψ) than C3 seeds. We used hydrotime modelling to study seed water relations of C4 and C3 Canadian prairies grasses to address both ...
Grass weed competition with bread wheat in Ethiopia. 1. Effects on selected crop and weed vegetative parameters and yield components
(African Crop Science Societyhttp://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?id=cs96081&lang=en, 2013)
15N uptake and distribution in grasses growing under Nothofagus antarctica vs. grasses in an open site
(University of Copenhagen, 2017-08-21)
In Argentinean Patagonia, there is an extensive area from 36º 30´ to 56º 00´SL where Nothofagus antarctica (ñire) native forests are distributed in a narrow strip being the main use as silvopastoral system. In these systems, ...
Minimum temperature differences between the meteorological screen and grass in radiative frost nightsDiferenças de temperatura mínima entre o abrigo meteorológico e a relva em noites com geadas
A phenomenon called thermal inversion, in which there is the accumulation of colder and denser air in the layers closer to the soil, occurs in radiative frost nights, resulting in a temperature gradient with differences ...
Restoration of palatable grasses: A study case in degraded rangelands of central Argentina
(Academic Press Ltd-elsevier Science Ltd, 2008-10)
Restoration of palatable grasses on degraded rangelands dominated by unpalatable grasses in central Argentina is limited by low availability of seeds and safe sites for seedling establishment. The objective of our study ...