Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 103
Towards an intelligent graphical interface for linear programming modelling
The increase of computing power of the microcomputers has stimulated the building of direct manipulation interfaces that allow graphical representation of Linear Programming (LP) models. This work discusses the components ...
Towards an intelligent graphical interface for linear programming modelling
The increase of computing power of the microcomputers has stimulated the building of direct manipulation interfaces that allow graphical representation of Linear Programming (LP) models. This work discusses the components ...
Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Problem including thermal and pumped storage units: An MILP formulation by the application of linear approximations techniques
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2018-01)
This paper presents a new approach for solving Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) problems based on the application of several linear approximation techniques. Model considers thermal units, transmission constraints, ...
Modelado en tres dimensiones y obtención del estado estacionario en Bond Graph de los robots PUMA y Standford, su linealización y observadores de estados lineales
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2011-08)
In 1975,Victor Scheinman, an engineer from the Stanford University, developed a flexible polyvalent manipulator known as Programmable Universal manipulator Arm (PUMA). This research was the base for the creation of the ...
Dinámica y estado estacionario de un robot manipulador en el dominio físico
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2009-08)
In this research work is proposing a procedure to determine the response steady state of a planar robot manipulator, which belongs to a type of non-linear systems characterized by the product of states, through the modeling ...
Decomposition's Dantzig-Wolfe applied to fuzzy multicommodity flow problems
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2012)