Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
Predicción de tráfico en redes del Plan Ceibal
(Udelar.FI., 2021)
Planificación de movimientos aplicada en robótica autónoma móvil
(Udelar. FI, 2012)
La robótica autónoma móvil se ha desarrollado principalmente para hacer posible la realización de tareas de alto nivel por parte de máquinas sin la necesidad del control humano. A tales efectos, los robots deberían tener ...
An Auto-Adaptive Multi-Objective Strategy for Multi-Robot Exploration of Constrained-Communication Environments
(MDPI, 2019)
The exploration problem is a fundamental subject in autonomous mobile robotics that
deals with achieving the complete coverage of a previously unknown environment. There are several
scenarios where completing exploration ...
Multi-robot cooperative systems for exploration : advances in dealing with constrained communication environments
(IEEE, 2016)
In the present document, the authors introduce the Cooperative Exploration problem as well as the most
relevant approaches in order to show the most common drawbacks and opportunities to improve the state of art
solutions. ...
Development of a digital TV receivers test suite
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Minas., 2015-09-01)
The deployment of digital TV in Uruguay is ongoing, following the ISDB-Tb standard. The channels allocation process was completed, and after the adoption of a testing protocol, the introduction of decoders and receivers ...
Large-scale internet user behavior analysis of a nationwide K-12 education network based on DNS queries
(Springer, 2020)
To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first Internet Domain Name System (DNS) queries data study from a national K-12 Education Service Provider. This provider, called Plan Ceibal, supports a one-to-one ...
Experimenting with routing protocols in the data center : An ns-3 simulation approach
(MDPI, 2022)
Massive scale data centers (MSDC) have become a key component of current content-centric Internet architecture. With scales of up to hundreds of thousands servers, conveying traffic inside these infrastructures requires ...
Metodologías cooperativas para la clasificación del tránsito
(UR. FI-INCO,, 2009)
Gestión de redes basada en componentes
(Udelar. FI, 2004)