Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 134
Adaptación chilena de la prueba de razonamiento gramatical de 3 minutos de Baddeley en estudiantes universitarios de Talca
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Facultad de Psicología, 2023)
A Case-based Reasoning Approach to Validate Grammatical Gender and Number Agreement in Spanish language
Across Latin America 420 indigenous languages are spoken. Spanish is considered a second language in indigenous communities and is progressively introduced in education. However, most of the tools to support teaching ...
Chinese Nominal Groups: The Metaphorical Realization of Figures
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2022)
In this paper, we examine how nominal groups in Mandarin Chinese are involved in the realization of experiential grammatical metaphors, drawing on data from a history textbook chapter that recounts historical activities ...
Semantic and pragmatic motivations on grammatical change
(Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Filosofia & Ciencias Humanas, 2015-07-01)
This paper aims to demonstrate the influence of semantic and pragmatic factors on linguistic change processes. The study focuses on complement clauses in the Portuguese language, particularly the one introduced by the ...
Mapeamento semântico do conceito de inovação para a ciência da informação: uma análise gramático-sistêmico funcional
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação - PPGCICâmpus São Carlos, 2020-02-27)
When educational institutions and spaces are called upon to compose and heat up the production of innovation, thinking about economic and social development, and solutions to problems that impact well-being and social life, ...
A word is worth a thousand images. The importance of recovering linguistic reflection in high school classroomsUna palabra vale más que mil imágenes. La importancia de recuperar la reflexión lingüística en las aulas de la escuela secundaria
(Facultad de Humanidades, Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación, 2019)
O exame Celpe-Bras e o funcionamento do sentido sobre a brasilidade
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRLetrasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2011-02-21)
The topic of this dissertation focuses on the functioning of the sense of Brazilianness in the CELPE-Bras exam. We try to understand the movement of senses produced in the relationship among official certification, ...
Experiential cryptotypes : reasoning about process type 1
(Routledge, 2019)
Conceptualizing how language construes experience has been a pervasive thread through the modern history of linguistics. This chapter explores how we can describe languages models of experience through a focus on the ...