Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Estudo anatômico do xilema secundário de Ephedra tweediana C. A. MeyerEstudo anatômico do xilema secundário de Ephedra tweediana C. A. Meyer
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 1995)
Nova gimnosperma relacionada a Gnetales da paleoflora do Crato (Eocretáceo, Formação Santana, Bacia do Araripe, Nordeste do Brasil): estudo preliminar.NEW GYMNOSPERM RELATED WITH GNETALES FROM THE CRATO PALAEOFLORA (LOWER CRETACEOUS, SANTANA FORMATION, ARARIPE BASIN, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL): PRELIMINARY STUDY
(Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2007)
Gnetales (clase gnetopsida, división gnetophyta) en el registro fósil del cretácico de la cuenca de San Luis, Argentina: Análisis sistemático y evolutivo
En esta Tesis Doctoral se realizó el estudio e interpretación, desde el punto de vistasistemático, evolutivo y paleobiológico, de los restos fósiles vegetales (granos depolen, semillas y demás restos de diferentes estructuras ...
Fossil record of Ephedra in the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian), Argentina
(Springer Tokyo, 2017-11)
Fossil plants from the Lower Cretaceous (upper Aptian) of the La Cantera Formation, Argentina, are described. The fossils studied represent a leafy shooting system with several orders of articulated and striated axes and ...
Cearania heterophylla gen. nov et sp nov., a fossil gymnosperm with affinities to the Gnetales from the Early Cretaceous of northern Gondwana
Vegetative and fertile shoots of a shrub-like seed plant from the late Aptian Crato Formation of Brazil are described as Cearania heterophylla Kunzmann, Mohr and Bernardes-de-Oliveira, gen. nov. et sp. nov. Anatomical ...
Fossil seeds from the La Cantera Formation, Early Cretaceous, San Luis Province, Argentina
(Polish Academy of Science, 2020-06)
In a study of fossil seeds recovered from the La Cantera Formation, Early Cretaceous, San Luis Basin, we establish a new species, Carpolithus volantus, and describe other specimens attributed to Carpolithus spp. and Ephedra ...
A putative gnetalean gymnosperm Cariria orbiculiconiformis gen. nov et spec. nov from the Early Cretaceous of northern Gondwana
Cariria orbiculiconiformis gen. nov. et spec. nov., a gymnosperm with gnetoid characters is described from the upper Aptian Crato Formation of the Araripe Basin in northeastern Brazil. Gross-morphology and anatomical details ...
The Paleobotanical Record of the Triassic Cerro de las Cabras Formation at Its Type Locality, Potrerillos, Mendoza (Uspallata Group): An Historical Account and First Record of Fossil FloraEl registro paleobotánico triásico de la formación Cerro de las Cabras en su localidad tipo, Potrerillos, Mendoza (Grupo Uspallata): antecedentes históricos y primer registro de flora fósil
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2016-04)
The first fossil macroflora assemblage from the Cerro de Las Cabras Formation at its type locality, in the Potrerillos area, is presented. The area is tectonically altered, which is why there have been several different ...
La paleoflora triásica de Potrerillos, provincia de Mendoza, ArgentinaThe triassic paleoflora of Potrerillos, Mendoza Province, Argentina
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2006-12)
En los cerros Bayo y Cocodrilo (Potrerillos, noroeste de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina) se levantaron dos perfiles de detalle y durante el relevamiento de datos se determinó la existencia de 16 niveles fosilíferos con ...