Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1011
A global conversation: rethinking IPE in post-hegemonic scenarios
(Instituto Brasileiro de Relacoes Internacionais, 2015-12)
Benjamin Cohen has provoked us into a global conversation aimed at unwrapping the practice and study of IPE. In this article, we build upon his powerful notion of geography as politics, and engage afresh with the role of ...
Mega-Mining, Contract Archaeology, and Local Responses to the Global Order in Argentina
(Springer, 2015-12)
This paper shows that contract archaeology activities geared to large mining projects in Argentina articulates with a global discourse on heritage that seeks to patrimonialize places of Indigenous memory. However, these ...
Post hegemonic policies in South America: the case of financial cooperation
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2021-05)
The leadership and supremacy of the United States was a decisive feature of the dynamics of Latin America's insertion during past century, but the rise of Asia in general and China in particular challenges our understanding ...
Public markets as spaces for the practice of non-hegemonic social subjects: the case of San Pedro in the city of Cuzco- Peru
(Univ Federal Fluminense, 2022-07-01)
In this work, we analyze the San Pedro Central Market, in the city of Cuzco - Peru and the practices of non-hegemonic social subjects in the production of urban space. The methodological procedures were bibliographic review, ...
Hegemonía no liberalNorteamérica revista académica del CISAN-UNAMIlliberal Hegemony
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, 2020)
A palavra como concretude do espírito de uma época : o nascer-já-caminhando das ideologias da competitividade e a agricultura globalizada
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGLCâmpus São Carlos, 2015-03-05)
Today, there are fabulous discourses, which try to monologize the forms of economic, political and social organization in planetary level, and which present the Globalization as a homogeneous process, fruit of the “natural” ...