Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 220
Glacier inventory and recent glacier variations in the Andes of Chile, South America
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
The first satellite-derived inventory of glaciers and rock glaciers in Chile, created from
Landsat TM/ETM+ images spanning between 2000 and 2003 using a semi-automated procedure, is presented
in a single standardized ...
Decadal changes in glacier parameters in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, derived from remote sensing
(Cambridge University Press, 2008-06)
We present spatial patterns of glacier fluctuations from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, (glacier area, terminus elevations, median elevations and hypsography) at decadal timescales derived from 1970 aerial photography, 2003 ...
Glacier fluctuations in extratropical South America during the past 1000 years
(Elsevier, 2009)
This paper presents an updated, extensive review of glacier fluctuations during the past 1000 years in the
extratropical Andes of South America between ca. 17° and 55°S. Given the variety of environmental
conditions and ...
First glacier inventory and recent glacier variations of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego and adjacent islands in Southern Chile.
(Bown, FranciscaSpringer-VerlagSpringer-Verlag, 2014)
The first glacier inventory of the islands south of the Estrecho de Magallanes including Isla
Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Isla Santa Inés and Isla Hoste, has been compiled using several
ASTER and Landsat ETM+ satellite ...
Recent glacier variations on Mount Melimoyu (44 degrees 50'S-72 degrees 51'W), Chilean Patagonia, using Sentinel-2 data
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
This work analyzed the application of Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery and GLIMS data for mapping glacier retreat and to estimate glacier area changes of Mount Melimoyu, located in northern Patagonia, Chile for the period ...
Recent glacier variations on Mount Melimoyu (44°50'S-72°51'W), Chilean Patagonia, using Sentinel-2 data
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2020)
This work analyzed the application of Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery and GLIMS data for mapping glacier retreat and to estimate glacier area changes of Mount Melimoyu, located in northern Patagonia, Chile for the period ...
Inventory and recent changes of small glaciers on the northeast margin of the Southern Patagonia icefield, Argentina
(International Glaciological Society, 2015-06)
Most glaciological studies in Argentina have focused on the large outlet glaciers of the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI); the numerous smaller neighboring glaciers have received significantly less attention. We present ...
Geomorphological evidence for variations of the North Patagonian Icefield during the Holocene
Elucidating the timing and extent of former glacier fluctuations is important because of the palaeoclimatic inferences that can be drawn from such studies. Here we present new geomorphological evidence of the patterns of ...
Spatio-temporal mapping of glacier fluctuations in the subtropical Central Andes: Case studies of Alto Del Plomo and Volcan Maipo
(Elsevier Science, 2017-11)
Glaciers located in the Subtropical Central Andes region, play an important role in the surrounding hydrological system due to their significant contribution to the runoff of Andean rivers. Furthermore, they constitute a ...
Glacier shrinkage and negative mass balance in the Chilean Lake District (40°S)
(Taylor & Francis, 2005)
Ice-capped volcanoes of the Chilean Lake District have shown significant glacier retreat during recent decades, probably in response to tropospheric warming and precipitation decrease. Volcán Mocho-Choshuenco (39°55′S, ...