Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 491
Organization of global space in “classical” geopolitics: a view from critical geopoliticsOrganización del espacio global en la geopolítica “clásica”: una mirada desde la geopolítica críticaOrganização do espaço global na geopolítica “clássica”: uma visão da geopolítica crítica
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2017)
Geopolitics of ethanol: energy sovereignty and international projection of Brazil (1930-2015)
(Revues Org, 2020-01-01)
Alcohol production is based on Brazil's primary exporting history during the colonial, imperial and republican eras. The economic and scientific -technological development of this energy matrix in the twentieth century is ...
Organization of global space in “classical” geopolitics: a view from critical geopoliticsOrganización del espacio global en la geopolítica “clásica”: una mirada desde la geopolítica críticaOrganização do espaço global na geopolítica “clássica”: uma visão da geopolítica crítica
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2017)
Geopolitical risk: An opportunity or a threat to the green bond market?
(ElsevierNL, 2024)
Against the backdrop of growing political instability, the interaction between green bond prices (GBP) and geopolitical risk (GPR) has attracted widespread attention. By employing the rolling-window Granger causality method, ...
Do interesse nacional à estratégia de segurança energética: um diálogo epistemológicoFrom the national interest to energy security strategy: an epistemological dialogue
(Associação Brasileira de Estudos da Defesa, 2020)
La disputa por el canal del Beagle y sus consecuencias geopolíticas para la zona austral-antárticaThe beagle channel dispute and its geopolitical consequences for the austral-antarctic region
For a century, the Beagle Channel was a point of contention for Chile and Argentina concerning their borders in the southern zone. Its geographical location implied a dispute between both nations' opposing geopolitical ...