Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 257
Stress-gradient hypothesis and plant distribution along ecotonal gradients
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-11)
The stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts that, although facilitation and competition occur together, facilitative interactions will be more prevalent with increasing abiotic stress. In water-limited ecosystems, support ...
Relationships between distribution of vegetation physiognomic types and geomorphic and pedological patterns in a Savanna area (cerrado) in southern Brazil
(Inst Tecnologia ParanaCuritiba-paranaBrasil, 1997)
Riqueza e composição da assembleia de Oligochaeta (Annelida) do rio Iguaçu : efeitos dos fatores ambientais e dos impactos antropogênicos.Richness and composition of Oligochaeta assemblage (Annelida) of Iguaçu River : effects of environmental factors and anthropogenic impacts.
(Universidade Estadual de MaringáBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Ambientes Aquáticos ContinentaisUEMMaringáDepartamento de Biologia, 2018)
Geomorphology, soil and vegetation patterns in an arid ecotone
(Elsevier Science, 2019-03)
Ecotonal boundaries are often arranged by following topoedaphic gradients. Despite its relevance, the interrelationships between vegetation and geomorphology have not been adequately documented in most arid regions. The ...
Hydrological Processes Special Issue “Hydrological processes across climatic and geomorphological gradients of Latin America”
(John Wiley and Sons LtdSouthern GateChichester, West SussexPO19 8SQvgorayska@wiley.com, 2020)
Landforms and soil attributes determine the vegetation structure in the Brazilian semiarid
(Folia Geobotanica, 2018)
Aplicación de índices geomorfológicos en el piedemonte neotectónicamente activo de Mendoza (32º S)Application of geomorphological indexes in the neotectonic active piedmont of Mendoza (32º S)
(Asociacion Geofisicos y Geodestas, 2018-04)
En este trabajo utilizamos tres índices geomorfológicos (Sinuosidad del frente montañoso, índices del gradiente longitudinal del río y la forma de la cuenca), como indicadores de actividad tectónica en las diferentes cuencas ...