Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2488
Geology of guapiara topographic sheet in 1:50.000.Geologia da folha topográfica guapiara na escala 1:50.000.
Geology of Guapiara Topographic Sheet in 1:50.000. The region of Guapiara Topographic Sheet is located in the extreme South of the São Paulo state and it is comprised in the central portion of the Mantiqueira Province in ...
Geological storage of nuclear wastes: Insights following the Fukushima crisis
(Elsevier, 2014-06)
The geological storage of high-level nuclear wastes (HLW) has been in the agenda of Japan for several years. Nevertheless, all the research can become meaningless without understanding the public feelings about the disposal. ...
Laws on waste disposal in geological environments of selected countries of the world
Nuclear waste has been produced since Marie Curie's times and its production continues everywhere at an increasing rate that requires effective actions to its efficient storage. Since 1968, the International Atomic Energy ...
“New awful changes – the human geological stratum rediscovered”: Allowing art to talk about the anthropocene“Novas transformações espantosas – o estrato geológico Humano redescoberto”: promovendo o diálogo entre arte e o Antropoceno.
(Instituto Geológico, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, 2018)
Geology and tectonic of the capÃo bonito topographic 1:50.000 map, southeast of sÃo paulo stateGeologia e tectônica da folha topográfica de capão bonito na escala 1:50.000, sudeste do estado de são paulo
The 1: 50.000 Capão Bonito Topographic Map is situated at the southern end of São Paulo state, in the south-central Ribeira Belt, in the northern portion of the Apiaí Terrain. The area involves rocks from the Açungui ...
Evolution of landslide activity, and the origin of debris flows in the El Niño affected Payhua Creek basin, Matucana area, Huarochiri, Peru
(The Geological Society of LondonGB, 2006)
Matucana, Perú (population 5800; elevation 2390 m), is located in Andes Occidental, approximately 75 km east of Lima. Matucana shares the Río Rimac (RR) flood plain with a strategic highway and railway. Debris flow-prone ...
Shear-wave velocity structure from MASW and SPAC methods: The case of Adra town, SE Spain
(EAGE Publishing BV, 2018)
Why teach geologic time in basic education?Por que ensinar Tempo Geológico na Educação Básica?
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2019)