Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3550
Social geology: a new perspective on geology
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, 2012)
This paper proposes a new methodology aimed at characterizing and studying two key geological elements for the sustainable and ethical development of society: geological resources and geological risks. The main objective ...
Laws on waste disposal in geological environments of selected countries of the world
Nuclear waste has been produced since Marie Curie's times and its production continues everywhere at an increasing rate that requires effective actions to its efficient storage. Since 1968, the International Atomic Energy ...
Elaboração da carta geotécnica de suscetibilidade de um trecho da rodovia marechal rondon - sp-300 (SP, Brasil)
The highways are enterprises of great longitudinal extension that cross several types of lands, that possess different geologic, geomorphologic, pedologic and vegetation conditions. In the environmental management of ...
Elaboração da carta geotécnica de suscetibilidade de um trecho da rodovia marechal rondon - sp-300 (SP, Brasil)
The highways are enterprises of great longitudinal extension that cross several types of lands, that possess different geologic, geomorphologic, pedologic and vegetation conditions. In the environmental management of ...
Current uses of ground penetrating radar in groundwater-dependent ecosystems research
(Elsevier B.V., 2017)