Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 487
(Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, Fac Ciencias & Tecnologia, 2016-07-01)
The article aims to contribute to the discussions on the participation of women in teachers unions in Presidente Prudente (SP) from a geographic perspective. Therefore, we delimited the study to three unions: Union of ...
Gender and Sexuality: Where are these issues in the grace of rescue in UFRGS Geography?GÊNERO E SEXUALIDADE: ONDE ESTÃO ESSAS QUESTÕES NO CURRÍCULO DA LICENCIATURA EM GEOGRAFIA DA UFRGS?
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018)
Gênero no ensino de Geografia em escolas estaduais do Tocantins
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsBRPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografia - PPGGPorto Nacional, 2020)
La perspectiva de género en la carrera de Geografía de la UNNE. Un esbozo de comparación con la incorporación del género a la ciencia geográficaGender in the Geography of race UNNE. An outline of comparison with the introduction of geographical science gender
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades, 2013-11-02)
El propósito de esta presentación es hacer una revisión de la incorporación de la teoría de género a la disciplina geográfica en general y de un modo más específico a la Geografía que se enseña e investiga a través de los ...
Mapping Gender: Feminist Cartographies in Kate Chopin's "Regionalist" StoriesMapping Gender: Feminist Cartographies in Kate Chopin's "Regionalist" Stories
In this article the fourth in a series which examines relationships between women and literary space. I examine ways in which conjunctures of literature, geography, and gender shed new light on nineteenth century U.S. ...
Mapping Gender: Feminist Cartographies in Kate Chopin's "Regionalist" StoriesMapping Gender: Feminist Cartographies in Kate Chopin's "Regionalist" Stories
In this article the fourth in a series which examines relationships between women and literary space. I examine ways in which conjunctures of literature, geography, and gender shed new light on nineteenth century U.S. ...
Counter geographies. An artistic practise. Interview with ursula biemann - artist, theorist and curator - on her studies on migration, mobility and gender identity
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2015-07)
In the earlier writing and experimental video work the Swiss artist Ursula Biemann investigates issues on mobility, technology and identity. This interview want to highlight her work as theorist, curator and artist, ...
¿Somos iguales? Using a structural violence framework to understand gender and health inequities from an intersectional perspective in the Peruvian Amazon
(Taylor and Francis, 2017)
BACKGROUND: In the Peruvian Amazon, historical events of colonization and political marginalization intersect with identities of ethnicity, class and geography in the construction of gender and health inequities. Gender-based ...