Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 180
Spatial Analysis And Visualization Of Exploration Geochemical Data
Spatial Analysis And Visualization Of Exploration Geochemical Data
(Elsevier Science BVAmsterdam, 2016)
Regionalized classification of geochemical data with filtering of measurement noises for predictive lithological mapping
(Springer, 2020)
A method for predictive lithological mapping is proposed, which combines geostatistical simulation of geochemical concentrations with coregionalization analysis and decision-tree classification algorithm. The method consists ...
Rock-solute reaction mass balance of water flowing within an aquifer system with geochemical stratification
(Elsevier B.V., 2020-12-01)
Aquifers possess distinct mineralogy, diagenetic history, and geochemical constraints, which control the pore water's hydrochemistry. Whenever aquifers exchange groundwater, the incoming groundwater establishes a new ...
Metal speciation of the Paraopeba river after the Brumadinho dam failure
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-02-25)
On January 25, 2019, a tailings dam at the Corrego do Feijao iron ore mine (Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, southern Brazil) ruptured and released similar to 12 million m(3) of mine tailings into the Paraopeba River, which is ...
Modeling of hydrochemistry evolution in carbonatic–siliciclastic aquifer system in coastal environment
Coastal regions are quite populous, causing coastal aquifers to be overexploited, due to which contamination of these aquifers is observed. The municipality of Belém, located on the eastern edge of the Amazon Forest, is ...
Assessment of natural groundwater salinization processes in the eastern portion of the Cachoeira River Basin, BahiaAvaliaÇÃo de processos naturais de salinizaÇÃo de Águas subterrÂneas na porÇÃo leste da bacia do Rio Cachoeira, Bahia
A substantial portion of Northeastern Brazil undergoes water scarcity, which accounts for important negative local socioeconomic impacts. In addition to water deficit, this region is affected by groundwater salinization, ...
Potential accumulation of contaminated sediments in a reservoir of a high-Andean watershed: Morphodynamic connections with geochemical processes
Rapid changes due to anthropic interventions in high-altitude environments, such as the Altiplano region in South America, require new approaches to understand the connections between physical and geochemical processes. ...
Evaluating and classifying contaminated areas based on loss functions using annealing simulations
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-06-01)
This paper presents a methodology based on geostatistical theory for quantifying the risks associated with heavy-metal contamination in the harbor area of Santana, Amapa State, Northern Brazil. In this area there were ...
Evaluating and classifying contaminated areas based on loss functions using annealing simulations
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-06-01)
This paper presents a methodology based on geostatistical theory for quantifying the risks associated with heavy-metal contamination in the harbor area of Santana, Amapa State, Northern Brazil. In this area there were ...