Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 144
Bayesian Analysis for the Generalized Lognormal Distribution Applied to Failure Time Analysis
There are several versions of the lognormal distribution in the statistical literature, one is based in the exponential transformation of generalized normal distribution (GN). This paper presents the Bayesian analysis for ...
Análise bayesiana objetiva para as distribuições normal generalizada e lognormal generalizada
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estatística - PPGEs, 2014-11-21)
The Generalized Normal (GN) and Generalized lognormal (logGN) distributions are flexible for accommodating features present in the data that are not captured by traditional distribution, such as the normal and the lognormal ...
Modelando la distribución del número de co-autores por artículoModeling the distribution of co-authorships by paper
(Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, 2011)
Beta Generalized Distribution as Survival Model for the Analysis of University DropoutsLa distribución Beta Generalizada como un modelo de sobrevivencia para analizar la evasión universitariaA distribuição Beta Generalizada como um modelo de sobrevivência para analisar a evasão universitária
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Chironomidae assemblage structure in relation to organic enrichment of an aquatic environment
(Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 2009)
In this study we determined the taxonomic diversity of larval Chironomidae upstream and downstream to discharges of the sewage treatment plant (STP) from Agro-industrial District of Anápolis, State of Goiás, Brazil. ...
Análisis bayesiano para la distribución lognormal generalizada aplicada a modelos de falla con censuraBayesian analysis for the generalized lognormal distribution applied to failure time analysis
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaINCAS-Innovación y Gestión de Cadenas de AbastecimientoBogotá, Colombia, 2018)
On the consistency of the indirect lognormal correction
(SPRINGER, 2004-08)
The indirect lognormal correction is a change-of-support model commonly used in geostatistical applications when dealing with additive variables, for which the upscaling amounts to arithmetic averaging. It was designed as ...
Modelo Log-Burr XII para dados grupados e censurados
Grouped data is a particular case of interval censored, which occur when individuals are assessed at the same time intervals. This type of data, often associated to situations in which the data has a large number ties whose ...
Firm size and economic concentration: An analysis from lognormal expansion
(Universidad EAFITEscuela de Economía y Finanzas, 2020-06-08)
This paper proposes a semi-nonparametric (SNP) generalization of the lognormal distribution for studying firm size and providing accurate measures for economic concentration and inequality in terms of the Gini index adjusted ...
Comments about some species abundance patterns: classic, neutral, and niche partitioning models
(Int Inst Ecology, 2008-11-01)
The literature on species abundance models is extensive and a great deal of new and important contributions have been published in the last three decades. Broadly speaking, one can recognize five families of species abundance ...