Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1859
Philosophy of science in Latin America
(Stanford University. Department of Philosophy, 2019-08)
When philosophy of science began as a professional field in the late 1940s, contributions from Latin America joined the forefront of the international debate right away. Philosophers of science from the subcontinent have ...
Filosofía de la ingeniería: una disciplina profesional en construcciónPhilosophy of engineering: building a professional discipline
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2018)
Intimate connections between music, education and play in Plato's dialogues
(Univ Federal Ceara, Geography Posgraduate Program, 2021-01-01)
By revisiting important hermeneutic aspects of platonic philosophy, this article aims to provide an orientation with regard to the cultural fecundity of certain reintegrations of three types of human activity, among which ...
The interaction of science and religion: an update on the conflict
In this discussion of the interaction between science and religion, I review some evidence for and against the conflict thesis to show that there is no inherent contradiction between them, but rather an expected tension. ...
The interaction of science and religion: an update on the conflict
In this discussion of the interaction between science and religion, I review some evidence for and against the conflict thesis to show that there is no inherent contradiction between them, but rather an expected tension. ...
Philosophy teaching in non-formal spaces: notes of an experience
(Univ Federal Santa Maria, 2015-09-01)
This article presents the findings of the university extension project Philosophy teaching in non-formal spaces and explains both the process of its implementation in practical terms and its philosophical developments. The ...
Carnap, Kuhn, And The History Of Science: A Reply To Thomas Uebel
Implicaciones de la teoría de la evolución en la filosofíaImplications of evolutionary theory in philosophy
(Universidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2017-10-01)
En este artículo expongo varias de las importantes implicaciones que la investigación en la evolución y sus procesos ha tenido en la reflexión filosófica. En la siguiente sección menciono, de manera general algunos de los ...