Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 780
Mining Gene Regulatory Networks by Neural Modeling of Expression Time-Series
(IEEE Computer Society, 2015-11)
Discovering gene regulatory networks from data is one of the most studied topics in recent years. Neural networks can be successfully used to infer an underlying gene network by modeling expression profiles as times series. ...
Discretization of gene expression data revised
(Oxford University Press, 2015-09)
Gene expression measurements represent the most important source of biological data used to unveil theinteraction and functionality of genes. In this regard, several data mining and machine learning algorithms havebeen ...
The association of microbial activity with Fe, S and trace element distribution in sediment cores within a natural wetland polluted by acid mine drainage
(Elsevier, 2019)
Natural recovery and remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD) reduces the generation of acidity and transport of trace elements in the runoff. A natural wetland that receives and remediates AMD from an abandoned copper mine ...
Disclosing ambiguous gene aliases by automatic literature profiling
(Biomed Central, 2015)
Comparative Study on Data Mining Techniques Applied to Breast Cancer Gene Expression Profiles
(Scitepress, 2017-01-01)
Breast cancer has the second highest incidence among all cancer types and is the fifth cause of cancer related death among women. In Brazil, breast cancer mortality rates have been rising. Cancer classification is intricate, ...
Construct and Compare Gene Coexpression Networks with DAPfinder and DAPview
Background: DAPfinder and DAPview are novel BRB-ArrayTools plug-ins to construct gene coexpression networks and identify significant differences in pairwise gene-gene coexpression between two phenotypes. Results: Each ...
16S rRNA gene diversity in ancient gray and pink salt from san simón salt mines in Tarija, Bolivia
(American Society for Microbiology, 2020-10-08)
DNA from 250 million-year-old pink and gray salts from mines in Tarija, Bolivia, subjected to 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and analysis provided evidence for similar but distinct prokaryotic communities. The results ...
Genomic data mining of the marine actinobacteria Streptomyces sp H-KF8 unveils insights into multi- stress related genes and metabolic pathways involved in antimicrobial synthesis
(PeerJ Inc., 2017)
Streptomyces sp. H-KF8 is an actinobacterial strain isolated from marine sediments of
a Chilean Patagonian fjord. Morphological characterization together with antibacterial
activity was assessed in various culture media, ...
Genomic data mining of the marine actinobacteria Streptomyces sp H-KF8 unveils insights into multi- stress related genes and metabolic pathways involved in antimicrobial synthesis
(PeerJ Inc., 2017)
Streptomyces sp. H-KF8 is an actinobacterial strain isolated from marine sediments of
a Chilean Patagonian fjord. Morphological characterization together with antibacterial
activity was assessed in various culture media, ...