Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 93
Long work hours, part-time work, and trends in the gender gap in pay, the motherhood wage penalty, and the fatherhood wage premium
We assess how changes in the social organization and compensation of work hours over the last three decades are associated with changes in wage differentials among mothers, fathers, childless women, and childless men. We ...
"I want to be there for my children": fatherhood, diabetes and temporality among Peruvian men.
(Frontiers, 2023)
INTRODUCTION: Living with a chronic condition is a challenging experience, as it can disrupt your capacity to function and fulfill social roles such as being a father. Fatherhood constitutes an important component of ...
Understanding the State Regulation of Fatherhood in Latin America: Complementary versus Co-responsible
Fatherhood is a key but missing component of research on welfare regimes. What do states formally demand from fatherhood across Latin America? Using a novel data set of coded legal and policy provisions for 19 Latin American ...
Paternidad, maternidad y empoderamiento femeninoPaternidad, maternidad y empoderamiento femenino
(Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, 2010)
La paternidad, un modelo desde san José como respuesta a la ideología de género
The fatherhood of Saint Joseph is a response to the ideology of gender. The postulate of the ideology of gender is based on the self-perception of the person; it´s about a social construction. The ideology of gender is ...
Division and omission: an analysis of fatherhood in Rio de Janeiro.División y omisión: un análisis de la paternidad en Río de Janeiro.Division et omission: une analyse de la paternité à Rio de Janeiro.Divisão e omissão: uma análise da paternidade no Rio de Janeiro.
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)