Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1166
Solubility of argon and nitrogen in aqueous solutions of tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide from 283.15 to 298.15 K and 101,325 Pa partial pressure of gas
This paper reports experimental results regarding
the solubility of argon and nitrogen in aqueous solutions of
tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TTAB) at temperatures
between 283.15 and 298.15 K, 101,325 Pa ...
Design and construction of an equipment for the determination of solubility of gases in liquids
This paper presents the design and construction of a new isochoric saturation apparatus
for the determination of gas solubility in liquids based on the gas drop pressure method.
The major improvement of this design is ...
Solubility of argon and nitrogen in aqueous solutions of tetran- butylammonium bromide (TBAB) from 283.15 to 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa partial pressure of gas
This paper reports the solubility of argon and nitrogen in aqueous solutions of tetra-n-butylammonium
bromide (TBAB) in a concentration interval ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 mol kg 1 and temperatures between
283.15 K and ...
Solubility parameter determination of cationic surfactants by inverse GC
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2003-04)
The solubility parameters of cationic surfactants were obtained using the inverse gas chromatographic technique. The surfactants didodecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide, dioctadecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide and dodecyl ...
Methane and carbon dioxide solubility in 1,2-propylene glycol at temperatures ranging from 303 to 423 K and pressures up to 12 MPa
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 2010)
Colubility of argon and nitrogen in aqueous solutions of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (dtab) from 283.15 to 298.15 k and 101325 pa partial pressure of gas
The solubility of nitrogen and argon in aqueous solutions of dodecyltrimethylammonium
bromide (DTAB) were measured, using the drop pressure method, at temperatures
between (283.15 and 298.15) K and partial pressure of ...
Solubility of hydrogen sulfide in ionic liquids for gas removal processes using artificial neural networks.
Artificial neural networks have been used for the correlation and prediction of solubility data of hydrogen sulfide in ionic liquids. The solubility of hydrogen sulfide is highly variable for different types of ionic liquids ...
Effective solubility parameters of sucrose monoester surfactants obtained by inverse gas chromatography
(Elsevier Science, 2008-10)
Two products with a high content of sucrose monoesters were obtained from the commercial products P1670 and S1670, using liquid chromatography. The separation progress was monitored by thin layer chromatography (TLC). ...
Structure and anomalous solubility for hard spheres in an associating lattice gas model
(American Institute of PhysicsMELVILLE, 2012-08)
In this paper we investigate the solubility of a hard-sphere gas in a solvent modeled as an associating lattice gas. The solution phase diagram for solute at 5% is compared with the phase diagram of the original solute ...
Solubilidade do carbonato de cálcio no processamento de petróleo e gás naturalCalcium carbonate solubility in oil and natural gas processing
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia QuímicaEngenharia Química, 2023)