Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 257
Step length synergy while crossing obstacles is weaker in patients with Parkinson's disease
Background: Impaired movement stability is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD) that leads to falls and mishandled objects. Decline in synergistic stabilization of movement in PD patients has been observed in manual ...
Dynamic simulation of hip strategy of diabetic neuropathic individuals during gait
(IEEESão Paulo, 2014-08-12)
Patients suffering from diabetic neuropathy present disturbed kinetic, kinematic and electromyographic gait patterns. These disturbances have been experimentally related with plantar ulcerations. However, experimental data ...
Transient effects of stretching exercises on gait parameters of elderly women
This study aimed to analyse the effects of a single stretching exercise session on a number of gait parameters ill elderly participants in all attempt to determine whether these exercises can influence the risk of fall. ...
Adaptive walking in alzheimer's disease
The aim of this study is to analyze dual-task effects on free and adaptive gait in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Nineteen elders with AD participated in the study. A veteran neuropsychiatrist established the degree ...
Adaptive walking in alzheimer's disease
The aim of this study is to analyze dual-task effects on free and adaptive gait in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Nineteen elders with AD participated in the study. A veteran neuropsychiatrist established the degree ...
Lower limb strength is associated with gait biomechanical abnormalities in older female fallers and non-fallers
BACKGROUND: Age-related loss in lower limb strength is related with impaired mobility. However, the association between decreased lower limb strength and gait biomechanical abnormalities is unclear. %In line with this, ...
Lower limb strength is associated with gait biomechanical abnormalities in older female fallers and non-fallers
BACKGROUND: Age-related loss in lower limb strength is related with impaired mobility. However, the association between decreased lower limb strength and gait biomechanical abnormalities is unclear. %In line with this, ...
Amantadine improves gait in PD patients with STN stimulation
(Elsevier, 2013-03)
In advanced Parkinson´s disease (PD), axial symptoms such as speech, gait, and balance impairment often become levodopa-unresponsive and they are difficult to manage, even in patients with subthalamic nucleus deep brain ...
Assimetrias de força muscular influenciam assimetrias na cinemática da marcha de idosas?Do strength asymmetries influence on gait kinematics asymmetries in older people?
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus Uruguaiana, 2021)
Synergies in the ground reaction forces and moments during double support in curb negotiation in young and older adults
Falls that occur while negotiating steps are a leading cause of death in older adults. Although recent efforts have improved understanding of the mechanics and control of stepping behaviors, the double support phase during ...