Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 53
Criteria for the Identification of Formation Processes in Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) Bone Assemblages in Fluvial-Lacustrine Environments
(Prometheus Press, 2007-12)
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss methodological criteria that may be of use in exploring the role of water in the formation of the faunal record in fluvial and lacustrine environments. As such, the dispersion ...
Natural accumulation and distribution of guanaco bones in the southernmost tip of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): taphonomic analysis and archaeological implications
(Prometeus Press, 2017-12)
In this study we evaluate modern accumulation, dispersion and preservation patterns of guanaco bones (Lama guanicoe) and discuss their implications for the zooarchaeological record of coastal Tierra del Fuego in southern ...
Los Alisos, a new fossiliferous locality for Guanaco Formation (late Miocene) in Jujuy (Argentina), and a first approach of its paleoecological and biochronology implications
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-04)
Very scarce information is available about the extinct Neogene communities of the Subandean valleys of Jujuy province, Northwestern Argentina. A new vertebrate fossiliferous locality (Los Alisos), and the first mammalian ...
Guanaco (lama guanicoe) browsing on lenga (nothofagus pumillo) regeneration in tierra del fuego
(Universidad de Chile, 2008)
Regeneration of lenga (the main timber resource of south of Chile and
Argentina) is presumed to be hampered by browsing by guanacos. Thus, in
order to elucidaie the factors that affect herbivory on lenga, in this work ...
Where are the males? The influence of bottom-up and top-down factors and sociability on the spatial distribution of a territorial ungulate
(Springer, 2022-01)
The factors that regulate the abundance and distribution of wild herbivores are key components of a species’ ecology and include bottom-up and top-down mechanisms, as well as aspects related to social organization. In ...
Costs and Benefits of Sociality Differ Between Female Guanacos Living in Contrasting Ecological Conditions
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2010-11)
According to current theory, anti-predator benefits promote group formation in open-dwelling ungulates. An inverse relationship between vigilance effort and group size has been documented frequently and thought to reflect ...
Guanacos en el Segundo Componente de Túnel I (canal Beagle). Un enfoque tafonómicoGuanacos in the Second Component of Túnel I (Beagle Channel). a taphonomic approach
(Universidad de Magallanes. Instituto de la Patagonia. Centro de Estudios del Hombre Austral, 2015-03)
El presente artículo ofrece los resultados del análisis de los restos de guanacos (Lama guanicoe) provenientes del Segundo Componente de Túnel I, emplazado en la margen norte del canal Beagle, particularmente los incluidos ...
New insights on landscape and environmental evolution in the Subandean region, Southern Central Andes: Sedimentology and geochronology of Guanaco Formation in the Río Chico (Jujuy, Northwestern Argentina)
(Elsevier Science, 2021-10)
During the late Miocene, the development of topography of the eastern margin of the Puna Plateau of the Central Andes, was related to the onset of the eastward migration and foreland fragmentation. The Guanaco and Piquete ...
The Underlying Spatial Structure of a Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) Bonebed Assemblage in the Fuegian Region, Subantarctic Insular Argentina
(Springer, 2017-11-14)
Abstract Several recent papers have focused on new evidence pointing to the possibility of the mass procurement of guanacos in Fuegian pedestrian hunter-gatherer groups. These works are linked to the excavation of Las ...
Development of juvenile guanaco social behavior: First study on a wild population from the Chilean Patagonia
The development of social behavior in juvenile guanacos (chulengos) was studied by focal animal observation in Torres del Paine National Park for one annual cycle. This is the first study of its kind on a free ranging, ...