Now showing items 1-10 of 53
Granivory in the southern South American deserts: conceptual issues and current evidence
(American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2000-12)
Ecologists have abandoned attempts to develop a simple, unifying theory to account for community patterns (Lawton 1999). Instead, to explain such patterns, they rely on local ecological processes as well as on more contingent ...
The effect of grazing on granivory patterns in the temperate Monte Desert, Argentina
(Gauthier-Villars/Editions Elsevier, 2006-06)
Structural variations result in a marked heterogeneity of processes in arid environments. Disturbances have noticeable impacts on ecosystems, and a solid way of assessing their effect is to analyze how ecological processes ...
Osmoregulatory responses to dietary protein and water intake in the granivorous Zonotrichia capensis (Passerine, Emberizidae)
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2007)
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas., 2003)
Effects of forest fragmentation on the granivory of differently sized seeds
(ELSEVIER, 2004-01)
The Maulino forest is a unique temperate ecosystem restricted to a small range of the coast of central Chile. This forest harbors many endemic species, and is threatened due to intensive deforestation and fragmentation. ...
Granivory in the Chilean matorral: extending the information on arid zones of South America
Comparative studies of granivory intensity across different arid and semi‐and regions of the world have assumed homogeneity of conditions over large geographical areas, despite the existence of evident heterogeneities at ...
Osmoregulatory responses to dietary protein and water intake in the granivorous Zonotrichia capensis (Passerine, Emberizidae)
(Sociedad de Biologia de Chile, 2007)
We studied the osmoregulatory responses of the granivore Zonotrichia capensis, acclimated to high- and low-protein diets as well as two levels of water intake. We tested whether Z. capensis has the ability to modify the ...
Spatial variation in post-dispersal seed removal in an Atlantic forest: Effects of habitat, location and guilds of seed predators
(Elsevier B.V., 2007-11-01)
Studies of post-dispersal seed removal in the Neotropics have rarely examined the magnitude of seed removal by different types of granivores. The relative impact of invertebrates, small rodents, and birds on seed removal ...