Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1755
Largo da Gra??a em Salvador-BA: Uma ???nova??? percep????o
(GeoTextos, 2012)
Toxoplasma gondii: cloning, sequencing, expression, and antigenic characterization of ROP2, GRA5 and GRA7
(Funpec-editora, 2008-01-01)
Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular obligate protozoan, which infects humans and warm-blooded animals. The aim of the present study was to clone the rop2, gra5 and gra7 genes from T. gondii RH strain and to produce ...
Toxoplasma gondii: cloning, sequencing, expression, and antigenic characterization of ROP2, GRA5 and GRA7
(Funpec-editora, 2008-01-01)
Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular obligate protozoan, which infects humans and warm-blooded animals. The aim of the present study was to clone the rop2, gra5 and gra7 genes from T. gondii RH strain and to produce ...
The colonial rise of the novel
(New York, N.Y., 2013)
Immunochemical evaluation of two Toxoplasma gondii GRA8 sequences to detect acute toxoplasmosis infection
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-11)
In this work, two Toxoplasma gondii GRA8 protein sequences were tested by indirect ELISA and measurement of avidity to differentiate between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis infection. Using the antigen called GRA8B, 79.7% ...