Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 75
GluN2B and GluN2A containing NMDAR are differentially involved in extinction memory destabilization and restabilization during reconsolidation
(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021-01-08)
Reduced expression of hippocampal GluN2A-NMDAR increases seizure susceptibility and causes deficits in contextual memory
(Frontiers Media, 2021-04)
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors are heterotetramers composed of two GluN1 obligatory subunits and two regulatory subunits. In cognitive-related brain structures, GluN2A and GluN2B are the most abundant regulatory subunits, ...
GluN1 and GluN2A NMDA receptor subunits increase in the hippocampus during memory consolidation in the rat
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2017-01)
It is widely accepted that NMDA receptors (NMDAR) are required for learning and memory formation, and for synaptic plasticity induction. We have previously shown that hippocampal GluN1 and GluN2A NMDAR subunits significantly ...
NMDA Receptor Subunits in the Adult Rat Hippocampus Undergo Similar Changes after 5 Minutes in an Open Field and after LTP Induction
(Public Library Science, 2013-02)
NMDA receptor subunits change during development and their synaptic expression is modified rapidly after synaptic plasticity induction in hippocampal slices. However, there is scarce information on subunits expression after ...
Hippocampal NMDA receptors and the previous experience effect on memory
(Elsevier, 2014-09)
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR) are thought to be responsible for switching synaptic activity specific patterns into long-term changes in synaptic function and structure, which would support learning and memory. ...
NMDA Receptor Subunits Change after Synaptic Plasticity Induction and Learning and Memory Acquisition
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2017-07)
NMDA ionotropic glutamate receptors (NMDARs) are crucial in activity-dependent synaptic changes and in learning and memory. NMDARs are composed of two GluN1 essential subunits and two regulatory subunits which define their ...
Papel de mTOR, BDNF, AMPAR E NMDAR na reconsolidação da memória de extinção
Memory reactivation can induce two apparently competing processes,
namely extinction and reconsolidation. Extinction involves reduction of a
previously acquired response to a stimulus through formation of a new memory
trace. ...
Efecto de la dapsona en las subunidades del receptor NMDA: GluN2A y GluN2B en neuronas piramidales de las capas V y VI de corteza motora primaria de rata
"En el presente trabajo se realizaron registros electrofisiológicos de neuronas piramidales de la corteza motora primaria agudamente disociadas, a través de la técnica de célula completa con fijación de voltaje, para ...
Estudio de las subunidades del receptor NMDA y la memoria en ratas de genotipo salvaje y transgénicas modelo de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer: Desarrollo de vectores virales neurotrópicos ad hoc
Los receptores NMDA (RNMDA) participan en plasticidad sináptica y memoria. El hipocampo participa en la formación de memoria de largo plazo (MLP), y se encuentra afectado en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA).Investigamos ...