Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 63
Spectrophotometric characterization of simple glazings for a modular façade
(ELSEVIER, 2016-09)
A large variety of transparent materials is available for uses in buildings façades and all glazing properties must be considered in
their choice. Such a selection should be a careful process of evaluation and weighing ...
Double skin glazed façades in sunny Mediterranean climates
(Elsevier, 2015-09)
Double skin glazed facades (DGF) are an actual worldwide trend in new and refurbished buildings, even in warm climates with high solar radiation levels as in the Middle East and in Mediterranean climates. In such climates, ...
Methodology of CO2 emission evaluation in the life cycle of office building facades
The construction industry is one of the greatest sources of pollution because of the high level of energy consumption during its life cycle. In addition to using energy while constructing a building, several systems also ...
Assessment of the Effect of Phase Change Material (PCM) Glazing on the Energy Consumption and Indoor Comfort of an Office in a Semiarid Climate
Office buildings are usually characterized by low thermal inertia, which could cause underperformance in terms of energy consumption. Moreover, the use of large, glazed facades in office buildings can cause thermal and ...
Fachadas vidriadas: Cálculo de transmitancia térmicaGlazed curtain walls: Thermal transmitance calculation
(Universidad del Bío Bío, 2021-06)
La piel de vidrio es uno de los elementos dominantes de la arquitectura moderna y contemporánea. Este diseño de envolvente puede influir significativamente en la demanda de energía operativa de los edificios. En este ...
Thermal and lighting behavior of office buildings in Santiago of Chile
Overheating, high cooling energy demand and glare are recurrent problems in office buildings in Santiago. It is necessary to know the influence of different architectural strategies in energy demands to meet thermal comfort ...
Modeling double skin green façades with traditional thermal simulation software
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-09)
The use of plants attached to the building walls is a bioclimatic strategy that has grown in popularity due to the savings in building energy consumption. The plant is a living component of the façade that responds to the ...