Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14817
Impacts of Renewable Generation Expansion on Electricity Networks and the Environment: The Advantages of Solar Power Generation Expansions in Chile
Nowadays, an important increment in the integration of renewable generation to the energy matrix has been established to decarbonize the power sector. However, as renewables are generally located far from load centers, ...
Investment decision making in a deregulated electric industry using stochastic dominance
(IEEE, 2000)
This article focuses on investment on capacity expansion in a deregulated electric industry, under conditions of uncertainty. Particularly, it describes a framework for the application of the concepts of stochastic dominance ...
Investment under Uncertainty in Power Generation: Integrated Electricity Prices Modeling and Real Options Approach
(IEEE, 2011)
A proposal is made to analyze the problem of investments under uncertainty in electric power generation through the development of a methodology that uses real options and electric prices modeling. A trinomial tree numerical ...
Analyzing the current U.S. electricity transmission system and its main caveats to incentivize long-term investments
(IEEE, 2009)
This paper explains the way in which the current U.S. electric system contains insufficient incentives for long-term investments in transmission. Moreover, it highlights some key issues that should be considered to improve ...
Do generation firms in restructured electricity markets have incentives to support social-welfare-improving transmission investments?
This paper examines the incentives that generation firms have in restructured electricity markets for supporting long-term transmission investments. In particular, we study whether generation firms, which arguably play a ...
Auction approaches of long-term contracts to ensure generation investment in electricity markets: Lessons from the Brazilian and Chilean experiences
The implementation of auctions of long-term electricity contracts is arising as an alternative to ensure generation investment and therefore achieve a reliable electricity supply. The aim is to reconcile generation adequacy ...
Risk allocation for efficient and timely transmission investment under markets with high demand growth
(IEEE, 2009)
Under the need for anticipatory efficient investment in transmission, several problems arise at the regulation and incentives level; economies of scale justify carrying out larger initial transmission investments that ...
Intertemporal Planning of Transmission Expansions in Restructured Electricity Markets
In the new environmental era, electricity markets change rapidly, requiring dynamic strategic responses from market agents and regulators. In this paper, we study the intertemporal dimension of the network planner decision ...
The impact of public investment on private investment in Brazil, 1947-1990
This article analyses the impact of public investment on private investment. Apart from purely ideological aspects, two opposing interpretations may be distinguished with regard to the relationship between these variables. ...