Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Tulostoma cyclophorum Lloyd (Gaste-romycetes,Basidiomycotina), nuevo para España penínsular
(Anales del Instituto de Biología serie Botánica, 2009)
Calvatia sporocristata sp. nov. (Gasteromycetes) from Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2003)
Calvatia sporocristata sp. nov. (Gasteromycetes) from Costa RicaCalvatia sporocristata sp. nov. (Gasteromycetes) from Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2003)
Fungi from Chile I. Some gastero-mycetes and agaricales
Thirteen species of Gasteromycetes are reported for Chile, seven of
them for the first time for this country . and one of them, Geastmm
jurei Lazo, new to science. Also, there are reported three species of
Agaricales ...
Montanegra arenaria (Agaricaeceae, Basiodiomyocota), a New Record for Puerto Rico
(Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 42, No. 2, 244-246, 2006, 2014)
Geastrum trichiferum and Geastrum setiferum (Geastrales, Phallomycetidae) new records for Argentina
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2013-12)
In the present study two new records of Geastrum are reported for Argentina: G. trichiferum Rick and G. setiferum Baseia. Descriptions, comments and illustrations of basidiomata are given.