Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Addition of green banana flour to instant noodles: rheological and technological propertiesAdição de farinha de banana verde em macarrão instantâneo: propriedades reológicas e tecnológicas
(Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2011)
Effect of formulation on rice noodle quality: Selection of functional ingredients and optimization by mixture design
(Elsevier Science, 2016-06)
The aptitude of seven functional ingredients was evaluated by applying the tensile strength test on cooked noodles. Each formulation included the functional ingredient; modified rice flour obtained by planetary ball milling; ...
Desenvolvimento de massa alimentícia fresca tipo talharim adicionada de extratos de jabuticaba (Plinia cauliflora)
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáFrancisco BeltraoBrasilTecnologia em AlimentosTecnologia em AlimentosUTFPR, 2014-08-04)
The jabuticaba is a native fruit arising from various regions of Brazil, which in its flavor and nutritional value is well appreciated having assured sale, however, to be quite perishable, their marketing is not widespread. ...
Fideos libres de gluten elaborados con harinas no tradicionales: características nutricionales y sensorialesGluten-free noodles made with non- traditional flours: nutritional and sensory characteristics
(Asociación Argentina de Dietistas y Nutricionistas Dietistas, 2013-09)
Los productos farináceos sin gluten son formulados con harinas y/o almidones refinados y generalmente aportan bajas cantidades de proteínas, minerales y fibra. La complementación de esos productos podría incrementar la ...
Utilización de la pulpa y cáscara de zapallo (cucúrbita máxima) para la elaboración de productos alimentarios y su aplicación gastronómica
The squash (Cucurbita) is a vegetable that has a high content of carotenoids and dietary fiber. This is one of the most produced and consumed vegetables in Colombia and has functional properties that give it various food ...
Resistant starches: A smart alternative for the development of functional bread and other starch-based foods
(Elsevier, 2021-12)
Resistant starches (RS) are those that by localization, physical, or chemical causes, are unavailable for enzymatic attack, thus acting as dietary fiber in our organism. Several beneficial effects of the RS intake have ...