Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Fulvifomes minutiporus (Basidiomycota: Hymenochaetaceae), a new combination in FulvifomesFulvifomes minutiporus (Basidiomycota: Hymenochaetaceae), una nueva combinación en Fulvifomes
(Jardín Botánico Nacional/Universidad de La Habana, 2022)
Análisis morfológico e interpretación filogenética del género Fulvifomes Murrill (Hymenochaetaceae Donk) en Sudamérica
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, 2020)
Fulvifomes, un género de Hymenochaetaceae, tradicionalmente fue caracterizado por sus
basidiomas perennes con un sistema hifal dimítico, setas ausentes en el himenio y las
basidiosporas marrones rojizas. No obstante, ...
Taxonomic delimitation of Fulvifomes robiniae (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) and related species in America: F. squamosus sp. nov.
(Springer Wien, 2018-03)
Morphological revision of Fulvifomes robiniae, as well as phylogenetic inferences based on nITS and nLSU markers, indicated that the species has a narrower concept in its morphology and distribution. Other morphologically ...
Phellinotus, a new neotropical genus in the Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales)
(Magnolia Press, 2016-05)
A new poroid genus with two conspicuous and common species growing on living Fabaceae trees is described from the Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests biome of Brazil. Both taxa in this forest pathogen genus resemble Phellinus ...
Delimitação de espécies em Hymenochaetaceae Donk (Basidiomycota, Fungi) a partir de dados morfológicos e DNA barcoding
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Ciencias Biologicas, 2018)
Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota) poroide no nordeste do Brasil : taxonomia molecular e morfológica
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Biologia de Fungos, 2019)
Diversity of the poroid Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota) from the Atlantic Forest and Pampa in Southern Brazil
(Adac-cryptogamie, 2015-03)
A synopsis of the current knowledge about the poroid Hymenochaetaceae from Southern Brazil (States Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) is presented. Fortytwo species belonging to nine genera are reported from the ...
The phylogenetic position of poroid Hymenochaetaceae (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from Patagonia, Argentina
(Mycological Society of America, 2015-07)
Six poroid Hymenochaetaceae from Patagonia, Argentina, were studied phylogenetically with nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial 28S rDNA sequences, together with morphological data. Two new genera and a ...
Poroid Hymenochaetaceae associated with trees showing wood-rot symptoms in the Garden Route National Park of South Africa
(Allen Press Inc., 2020-07)
Poroid Hymenochaetaceae associated with wood rots of trees in three timber-harvesting compartments of the Garden Route National Park (GRNP), South Africa, were investigated using multilocus phylogenetic analyses and ...