Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Contrasting Propagation of Natural Calls of Two Anuran Species from the South American Temperate Forest
(Public Library Science, 2015)
The acoustic adaptation hypothesis predicts that sound communication signals have an optimal relationship with animals' native environments. However, species sharing a habitat produce signals stratified in the spectral ...
Amplification and spectral shifts of vocalizations inside burrows of the frog Eupsophus calcaratus (Leptodactylidae)
A variety of animals that communicate by sound emit signals from sites favoring their propagation, thereby increasing the range over which these sounds convey information. A different significance of calling sites has been ...
Independence of evoked vocal responses from stimulus direction in burrowing frogs Eupsophus (Leptodactylidae)
Localization of a sound source is important for animals in mating contexts: females generally orient towards signalling males, and males can estimate the position and quality of potential rivals. In anurans, the effect of ...
Diverse Types of Advertisement Calls in the Frogs Eupsophus Calcaratus and E. Roseus (Leptodactylidae): a Quantitative Comparison
(British Herpetological Society, 2005-10)
The variability of the advertisement calls of males from two Chilean populations of the
leptodactylid frogs, Eupsophus calcaratus and E. roseus was studied and their calling behaviour
further defined. Characteristic audio ...
Influence of burrow acoustics on sound reception by frogs Eupsophus (Leptodactylidae)
(Academic Press, 1996)
The effect of burrow acoustics on the reception of sounds by a leptodactylid frog, Eupsophus emiliopugini, from Southern Chile was investigated. Burrows occupied by E. emiliopugini males amplified vocalizations produced ...
Description of a new Eupsophus species (Amphibia, Leptodactylidae) from the remnants of Maulino forest, central Chile
The description of a new species of Eupsophus, from Los Queules National Reserve (35° 59' S, 72° 41'W) adds a new endemic taxon to the fauna of telmatobines (Amphibia, Leptodactylidae) of Chile, and extends the geographical ...
Morphology and metamorphosis of Eupsophus calcaratus tadpoles (Anura: Leptodactylidae).
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2005)
Thresholds for evoked vocal responses of Eupsophus emiliopugini (amphibia, leptodactylidae)
Thresholds for evoked advertisement calling for 18 males were measured in a temperate forest in southern Chile, in order to relate this behavior to the intensities of neighbors' calls that males of this species encounter ...