Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 72
Freshwater ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Argentina : an unnotated and updated compilation
(International Publishing House, 2012)
Freshwater ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Argentina : an unnotated and updated compilation
(International Publishing House, 2012)
Diversity of freshwater ciliates (Protista) from Argentina
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, 2016-11)
Diversity of ciliates from freshwater and soil were scarcely investigated in Argentina, in spite of their ecological role in these ecosystems and the huge environmental heterogeneity that can be found in this country. In ...
Hypotrichous ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from a temporary pond in Argentina, with redescription of Apoamphisiella hymenophora (Stokes, 1886) Berger, 1999
(Magnolia Press, 2013-03-12)
Hypotrichous ciliates collected in the plankton and soil samples from a temporary pond in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, were characterized after live observations and protargol impregnation. Apoamphisiella hymenophora ...
Variação sazonal da comunidade protozooplanctônica em um ambiente oligotrófico tropical (reservatório de Ilha Solteira, Brasil)
The seasonal variation of the protozooplanktonic community (ciliates and testate amoebae) was studied in a tropical oligotrophic reservoir in Brazil, which was under the influence of two contrasting climatic seasons ...
Variação sazonal da comunidade protozooplanctônica em um ambiente oligotrófico tropical (reservatório de Ilha Solteira, Brasil)
The seasonal variation of the protozooplanktonic community (ciliates and testate amoebae) was studied in a tropical oligotrophic reservoir in Brazil, which was under the influence of two contrasting climatic seasons ...
Morphological aspects and seasonal changes of some planktonic ciliates (Protozoa) from a temporary pond in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
(Panamjas, 2006-12)
The morphology of some planktonic ciliates in a temporary freshwater pond located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, is compared and the seasonal variation in their abundances over an annual cycle is described. Samples ...
First record of Ophrydium versatile (Muller, 1786) Ehrenberg, 1838 (Protista: Peritrichida: Ophrydiidae) from the High Paraná River influence area (Misiones, Province, Argentina).
(Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2015-07)
Ophrydium versatile, a green protozoon that form sessile colonies is reported for the first time for the Misiones Province, Argentina from shallow waters of a recently formed pond in the Garupá Stream floodplain, at about ...
Pelagostrobilidium wilberti n. sp. (Oligotrichea, Choreotrichida): Morphology and Morphogenesis
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2006-09-22)
Morphology, infraciliature, morphogenetic features, and some ecological data for Pelagostrobilidium wilberti n. sp. are described. This new species was collected from a temporary pond in Magdalena, Buenos Aires province, ...