Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6170
Application of frequency ratio and logistic regression to active rock glacier occurrence in the Andes of San Juan, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2010-01)
This study employs statistical modeling techniques and geomorphological mapping to analyze the distribution of active rock glaciers in relation to altitude, aspect, slope, lithology and solar radiation using optical remote ...
Feeding ecology and niche segregation of the spider crab Libinia ferreirae (Decapoda, Brachyura, Majoidea), a symbiont of Lychnorhiza lucerna (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae)
(Springer, 2019-12-20)
Feeding strategies provide essential information to help understand symbiotic relationships and resource competition as well as environmental integrity. This study examined the feeding ecology of the spider crab Libinia ...
Frecuencia de fonemas en las narraciones tradicionales en Malecu
Este trabajo constituye un análisis estadístico de la frecuencia de los fonemas en los textos del tipo marácunúca ‘lo que se ha escuchado’ (o ‘pláticas tradicionales’) en el idioma chibchense malecu hablado en Palenque ...
Forest fire susceptibility index for assessing the history of fire occurrences in the indigenous land of Kraholândia, Brazil
(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2018)
Occurrence and onset conditions of postsunset equatorial spread F at Jicamarca during solar minimum and maximum
(American Geophysical Union, 2010-10-28)
The data of digisonde and the NRLMSISE‐00 model on the occurrence of postsunset equatorial spread F (ESF) at Jicamarca during solar minimum and maximum years are used in a detailed statistical analysis. The onset conditions ...
Ocurrencia de "rabos de zorro" en pruebas de procedencias de Pinus tropicalis
En pruebas de procedencias realizadas con Pinus tropicalis se analizó la frecuencia de ocurrencia de "rabos de zorro", que se encontró relacionada con los niveles hídricos de cada zona, al parecer como una respuesta juvenil ...
Measurements of Extremely Low Frequency Waves (1-12 Hz) Produced by Ionospheric High-Frequency Waves
(IEEE, 2017)
In a recent study, a process for the generation of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves in the range of 1-12 Hz produced by diamagnetic currents generated by heat in ionosphere by high frequency (HF) waves has been proposed. ...
The topography in Chile is extremely complex and many types of fog are found; both factors complicate the presentation of the data. Despite this, measurements from standard meteorological stations suggest a latitudinal ...
Drivers of fire occurrence in a mountainous Brazilian cerrado savanna: Tracking long-term fire regimes using remote sensing
Fire is a natural disturbance in savannas, and defines vegetation physiognomy and structure, often influencing species diversity. Fire activity is determined by a wide range of factors, including long and short term climatic ...