Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 63
Ocular Biometry and Ophthalmic Parameters of Normal Eyes in French Bulldog Healthy Dogs
The objective was to perform ocular biometry and ophthalmic examination in dogs of the French Bulldog breed. We evaluated 72 normal eyes of 36 healthy French Bulldog dogs, 20 males and 16 females, aged from 1 to 7 years. ...
Cardiorespiratory evaluation of brachycephalic syndrome in dogsAvaliação cardiorespiratória da síndrome braquiocefálica em cães
A síndrome braquicefálica (BS) é caracterizada pela combinação de anormalidades primárias e secundárias do trato respiratório superior em cães, podendo resultar em obstrução significativa das vias aéreas superiores. Pode ...
Dietary protein sources and their effects on faecal odour and the composition of volatile organic compounds in faeces of French Bulldogs
The strong odour of faeces and excessive production of gases in some dog breeds have long been a concern of owners. The pet food industry uses nutritional alternatives, such as high-quality ingredients and additives, to ...
Ocular Biometry and its Relationship with Body Size and Head in French Bulldog Dogs
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2021)
Determinación del grado de afectación del síndrome obstructivo respiratorio braquiocefálico en caninos Bulldog Francés según test BOAS en pacientes atendidos de un centro médico veterinario
(Universidad Privada Antenor OrregoPE, 2024)
Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de afectación del
síndrome obstructivo de las vías áreas braquiocefálicas (BOAS). Se realizó en 50
caninos mayores a 1 año de edad, hembras y machos ...
Pulmonar ARFI elastography and ultrasonography of canine fetal hydrops: case report
(Arquivo Brasileiro Medicina Veterinaria Zootecnia, 2018-09-01)
This case report describes diagnostic and prognostic applicability of pulmonary acoustic radiation force impulse elastography and ultrasonography in canine hydrops fetalis. We also explore these methods' potential in ...
Reporte de caso de un canino de raza bulldog francés con displasia de grado moderada a severa de válvula mitral y la displasia de grado moderada de la válvula tricúspide
(Facultad de Ciencias AgropecuariasMedicina Veterinaria, 2016)
This article reports the case of a 2 year old spayed female french bulldog with congenital tricuspid and mitral valve displasia, which are rare pathologies that affect the fuction of the leaflets of each valve due to their ...
Effect of Oral Administration of Selenium and Vitamin E on the Quality of Fresh, Refrigerated and Frozen Semen in French Bulldog Breed Dogs
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2017)
Influence of the Addition of Vitamin E in Extenders in the Quality of Fresh Semen Diluted, Refrigerated and Frozen Semen in Dogs of French Bulldog Breed
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2017)