Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 440
Against "Free Proof"Contra la "prueba libre"
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2013)
Free proof, epistemic justification, and the noble dream of standards of proofPrueba libre, justificación epistémica y el noble sueño de los estándares de prueba
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2020)
The First-Order Hypothetical Logic of Proofs
(Oxford University Press, 2017-09)
The Propositional Logic of Proofs (LP) is a modal logic in which the modality □A is revisited as [[t]]A , t being an expression that bears witness to the validity of A . It enjoys arithmetical soundness and ...
Formalization of context-free language theory
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao, 2016)
Uniqueness Of Axiomatic Extensions Of Cut-free Classical Propositional Logic
(Oxford Univ PressOxford, 2016)
Incentive compatible and stable trade mechanisms on networks
(Academic Press, 2017)
We study a network of buyers and sellers where each seller owns an indivisible object and has no incentive to keep it, while each buyer has a downward sloping demand curve which is private information. Only the connected ...
Polynomial and Poisson dependence in free Poisson algebras and free Poisson fields
We prove that any two Poisson dependent elements in a free Poisson algebra and a free Poisson field of characteristic zero are algebraically dependent, thus answering positively a question from Makar-Limanov and Umirbaev ...
The capital asset pricing theory and its misconceptions
The CAPM is the fundamental model for pricing financial securities. Nevertheless, the way it is proved in Finance textbooks can be fairly confusing, and more complicated than necessary; with an excessive use of figures at ...
A perícia oficial e o livre convencimento do juiz: é preciso mudar para ultrapassar a dúvida razoável
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilFaculdade de DireitoUFJF, 2017)