Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
H28+C insertion in the CYP21 gene: A novel frameshift mutation in a Brazilian patient with the classical form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency
(Endocrine SocChevy ChaseEUA, 2001)
Identifying Genes Whose Mutant Transcripts Cause Dominant Disease Traits by Potential Gain-of-Function Alleles
Premature termination codon (PTC)-bearing transcripts are often degraded by nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) resulting in loss-of-function (LoF) alleles. However, not all PTCs result in LoF mutations, i.e., some such transcripts ...
New frameshift mutation in the 5 alpha-reductase type 2 gene in a Brazilian patient with 5 alpha-reductase deficiency
(Wiley-lissNew YorkEUA, 1999)
Canine POMC deletion (p187fs) allele frequency in labrador retrievers in BrazilFrequência de alelos mutados (P187fs) no POMC de cães Labrador Retriever no Brasil
The Labrador Retriever is among the main breeds with the greatest predisposition to obesity. Several factors, especially the interrelationships between food management, exercise and social factors; influence the likelihood ...
Coinheritance of a novel mutation on the hba1 gene: c.187delG (p.W62fsX66) [codon 62 (-G) (α1)] with the α212 patchwork allele and Hb S [β6(A3)Glu→Val, GAG>GTG; HBB: c.20A>T]
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-06)
We describe a novel frameshift mutation on the HBA1 gene (c.187delG), causative of α-thalassemia (α-thal) in a Black Cuban family with multiple sequence variants in the HBA genes and the Hb S [β6(A3)Glu→Val, GAG>GTG; HBB: ...
A frameshift at codons 77/78 (-C): A novel ?-thalassemia mutation
We identified and characterized a novel ?-thalassemia (?-thal) mutation due to a deletion of cytosine at codons 77/78 (-C) [CAC(His) CA- or CTG(Leu)?-TG] found in a heterozygous state in four members of a Mexican family. ...